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Baby Incubators in Amusement Parks

Rick Sebak narrated a PBS documentary on the history of amusement parks (Youtube playlist here). He mentioned baby incubators at Luna Park in Pittsburgh at the turn of the century, but it was also at the Luna Park at Coney Island. It comes off as unseeming to put babies and nurses on display for the Baby Incubators in Amusement Parks

Oh Hey, Speaking of Trying To Get Published, Check Out This Cool Top 10 List

I recently gutted my RSS reader of a few dozen writer blogs and a few select agent blogs because the effort to keep up with all of the linguistic confusion was reaching critical mass. Few writers actually write in their blogs; there’s always some urgent contest, a vomit-dump of acronyms in every post, people scheming Oh Hey, Speaking of Trying To Get Published, Check Out This Cool Top 10 List