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Wednesday Humpday Midday Music: “Grain Rain, Wheat Wind” from Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout

One of the best video game songs I’ve heard in a while, and it’s one of the standard battle themes. I don’t need to say how unusual its usage is, given how carefree and playful it sounds, and what even the video game layman’s idea of what battle music should sound like. After doing some Wednesday Humpday Midday Music: “Grain Rain, Wheat Wind” from Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout

Story: Cold Open

The story below is a work of fiction, but please read the footnote*. The evening of my first show with the band was that one annual autumn night where the season’s first frost comes. Pitch black by dinnertime, gentle smoke scent but no fire, powdered ice on the fallen leaves. Was there a significance to Story: Cold Open

Wednesday Humpday Midday Music: “Sunshine Coastline” from Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

It’s weird. I tend to enjoy rock or metal instrumentals in video game soundtracks more than I do from traditional virtuoso artists. The reason is that instru-metal guys—who are mostly guitarists, obviously—can’t get past their virtuosity and present a coherent song without their chops getting in the way. A song that has “handles,” where you Wednesday Humpday Midday Music: “Sunshine Coastline” from Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

Youtube Channel Idea: Decorative Forensic Facial Reconstruction

Someone should do this. We’ve all seen forensic facial reconstruction artistry—it’s not really referred to as an art but one could easily peg it as such—for human remains, especially for prehistoric or non-modern-man/hominid species types. Why not transfer that skill to decorative skulls, like ones made for Halloween costumes or year-round decorations (people do that) Youtube Channel Idea: Decorative Forensic Facial Reconstruction

Long-Running HTML 4.0 Websites

Even though HTML 4.0 specs were released after these sites were published, they still could be called HTML 4.0-era sites simply because it was the longest-running version of HTML before HTML 5 came around. The coding conventions, as well as the general aesthetic and subject matter, are often associated referred to using the 4.0 descriptor, Long-Running HTML 4.0 Websites

Wednesday Humpday Midday Song: “Yewbell (Balmy Breeze)” from Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits

Years ago, I had found garudoh’s YouTube channel, where he published videos of game soundtrack medleys. From that channel I found Supradarky‘s original account before he got nuked, where he had posted this song. I put a lot of Supradarky’s tracks on my iPod to listen to at work, and as I named the files Wednesday Humpday Midday Song: “Yewbell (Balmy Breeze)” from Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits

What Happened to Pressure 4-5?

I checked on Pressure 4-5 the other day after coming across one of their videos on Youtube. I got into them during my Sam Goody days when we received the promo for their album and were able to spin it when we wanted to, instore. They were a bit set apart from the normal glut What Happened to Pressure 4-5?

The Truth Might Be Mythical

A superchat was left recently for one of Ben’s Suspicious0bservers livestreams. I forget which livestream it was, since he does a lot of them, but I do remember it was from a band’s YouTube account: Something to consider folks: you can’t avoid the truth of this becoming a myth, don’t try to hand down the The Truth Might Be Mythical

There Was No Catpocalypse

Tim at History for Atheists has a video on the supposed catpocalypse (or, if you prefer, the “holocats”) caused by the Catholic church during the Middle Ages. It’s a minor myth, I think because deep down people know it sounds too ridiculous to be true and don’t want to push an idea that might cause. There Was No Catpocalypse

Kurzgesagt’s Human Era Calendar and the Proposed Solar Disaster Cycle

Pardon the grandiose post title, but it is descriptive to the subject at hand. I subscribe to the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. I disagree completely with their humanist view of the world, but many of their video are excellent at communicating the basics of complex physical phenomena. Their human immune system and the “nuking the moon” Kurzgesagt’s Human Era Calendar and the Proposed Solar Disaster Cycle

A Jet-Powered Leaf Blower and Keanu Reeves

Though these are recently published, it’s these kinds of videos that made YouTube a goldmine of interesting things. Now the most popular videos are loud and obnoxious political or pop-culture commentators, reaction videos, and mostly-miss-sometimes hit TEDx Talks. Then advertising happened and all grifters stormed in. A guy made a leaf blower from a miniature A Jet-Powered Leaf Blower and Keanu Reeves