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Wise Blood

Hella Book Reviews, Part 1

Some book reviews I’ve left on Goodreads. Kim I’m sure this is an excellent book, if I could understand it. Kipling stuffs it to the gills with so much colloquialisms and British-Indian cultural in-jokes that I may as well be reading Greek upside down and from the back. Much of the humor and significance is Hella Book Reviews, Part 1

Sonny from P.O.D. Dropped F-Bombs in Song, No One Is Hurt Yet

Old old old news, but a few weeks ago I came across the uncensored version of P.O.D.’s “I Am” track from their Testify album. Given the explicit (heh) Christian content of the song it certainly makes the swear more noticeable. Honestly, it’s from the point of view of not-Sonny, so it’s not out of context Sonny from P.O.D. Dropped F-Bombs in Song, No One Is Hurt Yet

Book Review: Wise Blood

I hadn’t heard of O’Connors Wise Blood until it mysteriously materialized in my to-read list. This might not be remarkable except for the fact that the mid-century book is highly rated both critically and general readership-wise. Maybe my cultural connection to the literary world and its history is still in question. The story follows Hazel Book Review: Wise Blood