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WIntery Knight

Living In Taupeville

Once in a while, Relevant Magazine will post something not so completely drenched in Millenial Christian cheese sauce that it’s worth noting. Via Wintery Knight, “What If Having an Extraordinary Life Isn’t the Point?“: Some have grown tired of the constant calls to radical change. They are less sure they want to jump on the Living In Taupeville

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 5

It occurred to me recently that I still haven’t gotten sick since will before the past winter. See here for my “hacks,” though recently my vitamin intake has been sporadic. This isn’t really a Link of Possible Relevance proper, but more just unmitigated bragging. Hobby Lobby blah blah. It was an okay decision but arguments Links of Possible Relevance, Part 5

Utterly Shocking: First Episode of Cosmos Reboot Contains Unscientific Propositions

I was going to do an original post on this but Wintery Knight did it sooner and better. Quoting J.W. Wartick: The depiction of the multiverse with little-to-no qualification was alarming, for there is much debate over whether there even is such a multiverse, and if there is, to what extent it may be called Utterly Shocking: First Episode of Cosmos Reboot Contains Unscientific Propositions

Michael Murray’s Response to the “Hiddenness of God” Argument Is Eh

Wintery Knight posted a while back (a while back on the scale of Internet time) about a response to the argument about God’s “hiddenness”—i.e., the phenomenon that God’s existence isn’t more plainly known to everyone in the same way that other, less important things, are apparent. [Michael Murray] argues that if God reveals himself too Michael Murray’s Response to the “Hiddenness of God” Argument Is Eh