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Pope Francis

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 5

It occurred to me recently that I still haven’t gotten sick since will before the past winter. See here for my “hacks,” though recently my vitamin intake has been sporadic. This isn’t really a Link of Possible Relevance proper, but more just unmitigated bragging. Hobby Lobby blah blah. It was an okay decision but arguments Links of Possible Relevance, Part 5

Why Are All The Popes So Frigging Old?

The official answer, as in Catholic church code “official” answer, is as unsalacious as it comes: 47 years of some sort of church officialdom needs to be in the can before the smoke de blanco can rise for thee (source, sort of). Jose Canseco, the final word on all things church leadership, sagely offered on Why Are All The Popes So Frigging Old?