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Cthulhu For President, 2024

Heh: Considering what the ancient Hebrews thought about the goings on in the heavenly realm with the Elohim council, and who rules the nations after Babel, a horrifying cosmic god-being directing America’s fate is not far off from the truth compared to other views. That is, if you share those ancient beliefs at all (I Cthulhu For President, 2024

Photos: Pittsburgh, June 2024

A ginko tree on Forbes Avenue and Smithfield Street: The Citizens Bank Tower on William Penn Place, taken from PNC Plaza. On the middle right is the old Kaufmann’s building, with a basketball court on the roof. Bottom right is the Warner Theatre sign, which I believe has been there since 1918: Fifth Avenue Place/Highmark Photos: Pittsburgh, June 2024

Photo: Silver Street, Pittsburgh

That’s it. That’s the whole street, in one photo. This is facing west on Sandusky Street, after getting off the Andy Warhol Bridge, and on the opposite end is Vulcan Way. The gray wall on the left belongs to the Burns White building. Burns White is a law firm that moved out of that building Photo: Silver Street, Pittsburgh

Photo: Yinz Jagoffs

Looks pretty much tied, but “Jagoff” is playing a little dirty. Taken at the City-Council Building on Grant Street.

Photos: Tekko Con 2019, Pittsburgh

WARNING: 91 photos on this page. I didn’t get sick this time, unlike last year. I’m going to update this post with more photos after today’s gathering.. Updates added! Forgot to mention two key things: 1 – I participated in a world record-setting effort, for the most number of people spinning a Beyblade at once. Photos: Tekko Con 2019, Pittsburgh

Ultra Mega Post of Past Music Journalism

You’ve been warned: this is a mammoth post. I wanted to get all my exemplary bits of music journalism (if you can call it “journalism”) posted here, for safekeeping. Most of them are from Noisecreep, but the site hasn’t been updated for months, so its demise may be soon Nevermind…it’s still kickin’. Buzzgrinder is still Ultra Mega Post of Past Music Journalism

Photos: Tekko Con 2018, Pittsburgh

From Saturday. I was feeling pretty terrible the whole time I was there, due to an oncoming illness, so I didn’t get as many photos as I wanted. It’s a pretty open atmosphere and people are always willing to get photographed but as a strong introvert it takes energy for me to cold approach strangers Photos: Tekko Con 2018, Pittsburgh

Photo: Point State Park Fountain

The fountain at Point State Park, the point (heh) at which the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers meet in Pittsburgh.

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 17

Mind-Altering Quantum Experiment Shows Time Has Never Existed As We Think It Does – “You totally can’t trust anything about the universe, except the results of my experiment. Trust me! Science.” Study warns that science as we know it is evolving into something shoddy and unreliable – Bring back natural philosophy and engineering-as-research! How to Links of Possible Relevance, Part 17

The Staycation Dad Chronicles

A cut and paste post while I’m busy finishing up Pale Blue Scratch. I recently finished a staycation and was busy annoying everyone on Facebook with my humdrum, activities in the dense suburbs of Pittsburgh. Here they are, serialized for your pleasure—because what’s more entertaining than what an average white American male does in his The Staycation Dad Chronicles

Photos: Allegheny Valley Bike Ride

Inspired both by Ed’s posts about riding out in Oklahoma County and by the fact that I finally took Functional out on a non-commuting ride this season, here’s a very photo-heavy post of the route I did with some friends/in-laws. For the Pittsburgh area, it was a very flat ride with some nice views along the Photos: Allegheny Valley Bike Ride

Photo: Jay

I’m not too keen on photos of myself, but Hot Metal Studio did a great job of making me appeal to…myself. The session was for the new book’s author photo, but this isn’t the one I’m going to use.

Photo: Pittsburgh Sky

Pittsburgh is very hilly and very overcast. The correct combination of these two things can yield some great sky and cloud photography. This isn’t great photograph per se, but it could have been with the right equipment and not a so-so phone camera. The right photographic “raw material” is there. This was taken during the Photo: Pittsburgh Sky

Photos: Listen to Metal Stickers

I made good use of the “Listen To Metal” stickers I helped Seth with. This was placed next to a map of the Pittsburgh subway system. When I checked last it was taken down. I have no idea what the pink smudge on it is: On a Pittsburgh Steelers promotional poster: On a pillar on Photos: Listen to Metal Stickers

Baby Incubators in Amusement Parks

Rick Sebak narrated a PBS documentary on the history of amusement parks (Youtube playlist here). He mentioned baby incubators at Luna Park in Pittsburgh at the turn of the century, but it was also at the Luna Park at Coney Island. It comes off as unseeming to put babies and nurses on display for the Baby Incubators in Amusement Parks

Book Review: The Road

The Road is Cormac McCarthy’s tenth book, and it’s about a father and his son traveling through a post-apocalyptic America. It was panned by critics and by the crowning jewel of praise, Oprah, and has been already been shuffled out of Hollywood as a film. McCarthy’s other recent success which made it to film was Book Review: The Road

One Set Future

There’s colored yarn strings of stuttered graffiti phrases on the once-bare concrete walls that parallel the east busway on the ride into downtown. One of the legible phrases is “NO SET FUTURE”, set in half-serifed seafoam. Given the number of people that ride on those buses every day I’m estimating that more people will read One Set Future

Art All Night All Done

Saturday and Sunday were pretty busy for me, as it was Art All Night in Pittsburgh. I checked my “art” in (I goofed the process up a few times. Apparently I can’t follow simple written directions…) with Marcia and her husband Travis, came back to my place for some food, then hit up the actual Art All Night All Done