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Jill Domschot

What I Am Working On

I was tagged by Jill Domschot, who wrote Anna and the Dragon (read my review here), to write a post on what I’m working on. I barely talk about current book stuff so I badgered asked her to tag me when she was soliciting to be badgered asked for participants on Facebook. 1. What am What I Am Working On

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 6

“Nice” people might be immoral. Also, any casual observer of human nature already knew this. No need for a study. [HT: Jill] The cupcake bust. Easy credit = bubbles. As if this never happened over and over again in the past. How families lose a lot of money in a few generations. Your band does Links of Possible Relevance, Part 6

Book Review: Anna and the Dragon

Anna and the Dragon is Jill Domschot‘s debut speculative fiction novel, an impressive dive into the “soft” supernatural realm. The titular Anna is a computer engineer with mild character quirks who falls for an errant academic with a heart condition and a fixation on dragonry. Though the title and book cover suggest something of a Book Review: Anna and the Dragon