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Coming Out of the Idolization Closet

I’m already sort of breaking my “no more posts until the book is done” rule already, but this was too delicious to pass up: “The Case for Idolatry: Why Evangelical Christians Can Worship Idols”. Secondly, and even more significantly, we need to read the whole Bible with reference to the approach of Jesus. To be Coming Out of the Idolization Closet

Jesus and the Afikomen Bread

My pastor’s sermon on Easter introduced a nice bit of new information concerning Jesus’ claims of divinity. He did make other, more verbal claims to Godhood but this one is more powerful if you understand the context. During the Last Supper, the seder meal* that He shared with His disciples: While they were eating, Jesus Jesus and the Afikomen Bread


Needs more Jesus.

…IS A GO. Watch this. It’s a brief overview of the leading alternate human history theory, going from Atlantis to the Greeks to Jesus to the Illuminati. Basically anything you hear on Coast to Coast AM. It’s standard fare in that regard. There’s actual logical progression of events, not a mishmash of crazy, and the SYNTHETIC CHRIST-CONSCIOUSNESS GRID…

The Good Godless Humanist

I had the thought to reboot Jesus’ message of the Good Samaritan into more modern terms after last Sunday’s sermon. Doubtlessly this has been done before, but the point of this was to use people I would expect to be good or bad neighbors in a role reversal, which I think is part of the The Good Godless Humanist