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Links of Possible Relevance, Part 37

The Great Myths 9: Hypatia of Alexandria Though the topic interested me, I never bothered with Agora, since Hollywood would never get the history right. I don’t mind that when it’s a film based on history, but Agora was way over the line and took itself too seriously as something accurate. I don’t doubt some Links of Possible Relevance, Part 37

Utterly Shocking: First Episode of Cosmos Reboot Contains Unscientific Propositions

I was going to do an original post on this but Wintery Knight did it sooner and better. Quoting J.W. Wartick: The depiction of the multiverse with little-to-no qualification was alarming, for there is much debate over whether there even is such a multiverse, and if there is, to what extent it may be called Utterly Shocking: First Episode of Cosmos Reboot Contains Unscientific Propositions