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The Web Is Flucked

Almost. It’s more like The Web Is Fucked. I’m not really up or down on swearing so much, but having harsh language in a post title crosses a boundary with me. Anyways, from the linked site: I’m not saying you should avoid all social media – that shit’s pretty much impossible these days and is The Web Is Flucked

Decentralize Your Internet

From the article “Tech Workers Rebel Against a Lame-Ass Internet by Bringing Back ‘Geocities-Style’ Webrings“: Take Linvega’s LowTech WebRing as an example. A given site connects to two other sites, which connect to two more sites, forming a closed-loop: a ring. Users tout the format as something more like wandering through a neighborhood, reinfusing cyberspace Decentralize Your Internet

I Am Off GitHub

It was the only remaining account I had, besides the one at Goodreads, that was vaguely social or collaborative, that I didn’t really use all that much. I had a few small, personal JavaScript and CSS projects on there that I moved to the UX portfolio page. I don’t code all that much any more I Am Off GitHub

Review of The Hobbit

As posted on Goodreads. Total dreck! Who greenlighted this book? The author commits every cardinal sin of basic fiction writing: breaking the 4th wall, using the first person, using second person, hand-waving, telling instead of showing, archaic dialogue tags (“said Bilbo”). Some offenses the more advanced reader will notice, like no plot twists or shocking Review of The Hobbit

The Society of Steam Series Review

Posted on Goodreads. This is more of a review of the series than the final book. Spoilers ahead. There’s two hurdles with steampunk fiction: the gadgets (and to some extent, the fashion), and the alternate history. The former challenge is a highly visual concern and doesn’t lend itself immediately to the prose format; it’s more The Society of Steam Series Review

Animal Farm Review

A quick review I left on Goodreads, for Animal Farm: One of the quintessential allegories describing the danger of democracies, and (to me), an illustration of the inevitable cycle of the nation-state apparatus itself. One thing to note: Squealer wasn’t the real villain–Napoleon and, temporarily, Mr Jones were–but he was the linchpin that made Napoleon’s Animal Farm Review

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 21

I get super irritated below. Periscope F*ck you, Periscope. I’m not creating a Twitter account just to access you. A shameless scalzification No one who Tweets out the phrase entirely unsubtly should be anywhere near G.K. Chesterton. Goodreads Blog Post: If Belle Were on Goodreads, She’d Probably Act a Lot Like Emma Watson No. Please, Links of Possible Relevance, Part 21

Book Review: The Aeneid

I was going to write a review of The Aeneid for Goodreads, but it would get rejected eventually since it’s not about the book itself but just a few lines about my copy’s previous owners. Reviews are highly patrolled there, more so than on Amazon, so it’s bringing owls to Athens to post this there. Book Review: The Aeneid

Goodreads Giveaway for Pale Blue Scratch

The Goodreads giveaway for Pale Blue Scratch is now a go. Look to the right, or down below if you’re on mobile, so read about it and enter, or just click here to enter. Go for it! Giveaway is over, and the winners have been selected. Thanks for checking it out.

Kickstarter – Post Game Analysis

The Kickstater campaign for the new book was rather successful. I didn’t know how it would turn out, honestly, but I had expectations that it wouldn’t make it. The bulk of the contributions came from family and friends who wanted to help out, especially the first half of the pledges. Near the end, after it Kickstarter – Post Game Analysis

I Still Live

Progress on Retardo Montalbán is going well. I should have a editable draft finished very soon. I don’t like being silent here for too long but I also despise meaningless posts, so here’s some things to mitigate that. You are currently viewing WordPress’ 2015 default theme with very little modifications on my part. I have I Still Live

G.K. Chesterton on Fairy Tales

From Tremendous Trifles (Kindle version is free). I thought I would have a dingdong of a time finding this excerpt, because all of those quote sites (or sites with quote collections on them…looking at you, Goodreads) only have two or three sentences at the most. That’s fine if you’re one of those people who put G.K. Chesterton on Fairy Tales