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F.A. Hayek

Not Your Parents’ Government Collapse

Useful physical objects: not known to just disappear. I doubt the collapse of nations occur as they do in movies. Things would more likely end gradually, with a quiet, undramatic whimper (sorry, doomsday preppers, and people who think The Purge is realistic). This holds true if the collapse occurs via the government’s own hand—enterprise-wide, self-inflicted Not Your Parents’ Government Collapse

The House of Usher (of Books)

“The grim phantasm,” of paper. The blurry, delicately left-aligned photograph you see here are all of the books in my possession that are in queue for reading. Please note the absence of the highest priority item, Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, which has been posted from an operative in Ebayland. You see, book club has The House of Usher (of Books)