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Links of Possible Relevance, Part 40

How Giving Up TV For A Month Changed My Brain And My Life “Never watch more television than the amount of time you exercise.” I am in the clear here, since every day I exercise around 45 minutes. Only some days, I’d only watch a standard-length show with my daughter at night, though nowadays with Links of Possible Relevance, Part 40

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 38

Saker® Profile Gauge with Lock This looks like an ingenious tool that I will I had thought of. This Is How The Way You Read Impacts Your Memory And Productivity For some reason, we read complex information on physical paper slower than digital mediums, but we retain it better. How Instagram influencers can fake their Links of Possible Relevance, Part 38

Story: Quarantine VI

The story below is a work of fiction. My gym reopened. Waiting in my car, in the parking lot. Should I go in. What if it’s a trap. Owners now lead a COVID-19 cult, worshipping a pestilence god only found in Dungeons & Dragons campaign manuals, luring human bodies back through their doors to trap Story: Quarantine VI

Story: Quarantine

The story below is a work of fiction. Top link in my news story feed was a travel blogger having to file for unemployment because of COVID-19. Imagine being an “influencer.” Calling yourself that. What to put on the census, what do you tell people at parties. Practice saying it in front of the mirror Story: Quarantine