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Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales

Read These 50 Books Before You Write Your First Fiction Novel

Most of these recommendations come with the territory of “living in a society flush with books.” They are a given, yet I want to assume that, if you want to write a fiction novel, you are out-of-this-world stupid and in need of guidance. The links are to free copies online where available, otherwise it’s an Read These 50 Books Before You Write Your First Fiction Novel

Electric Rabbit Chasing

It’s excerpts like this that made me a Bradbury fan: The lights came on. I blinked. For I saw the entire unholy thing. There it was, laid out for me under the drizzling rain. The lights came on. The men quickened, turned, gathered, and we with them. A mechanical rabbit popped out of a little Electric Rabbit Chasing