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Albert Einstein

Ultra Mega Post of Past Music Journalism

You’ve been warned: this is a mammoth post. I wanted to get all my exemplary bits of music journalism (if you can call it “journalism”) posted here, for safekeeping. Most of them are from Noisecreep, but the site hasn’t been updated for months, so its demise may be soon Nevermind…it’s still kickin’. Buzzgrinder is still Ultra Mega Post of Past Music Journalism

God’s Nose Wiggles

If you didn’t hear, scientists discovered some unusual gravitational waves emanating from two black holes. It’s a big deal since it strongly bolsters Einstein’s space-time theories. Mike Duran quoted astrophysicist Hugh Ross on Facebook: “The existence of gravity waves is an important prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Einstein’s theory of general relativity is God’s Nose Wiggles

Is There an Ether or Isn’t There?

I posted these questions on Facebook and didn’t receive much response, though I should’ve known that site isn’t the greatest medium (*rimshot*) to field science questions that aren’t in meme format. I came across the article linked below while doing book research, and it’s actually an excerpt from a book called Transcending The Speed Of Is There an Ether or Isn’t There?

A Compendium of Smoking Writers, Mostly Bertrand Russell Edition

It’s been a while since I did one of these, but the post I did earlier on Russell’s teapot lit a match and ignited the shreds of inspiration tobacco in my bloodstream. Albert Camus: Albert Einstein: Aldous Huxley: Bertrand Russell: George Edward Moore: Harold Lesch: Jean Baudrill: Jean-Paul Sartre: Karl Barth: Mircea Eliade: Oscar Wilde: A Compendium of Smoking Writers, Mostly Bertrand Russell Edition

The Appropriation of Nonsense, Part 2

Read the first part here. If you’re on Facebook, chances are you’ve listed quotes that reflect your philosophy or outlook on life. They are quotes with which we agree from people we admire, but there’s never a real opportunity to showcase the ones we don’t like — unless you have your own blog and can The Appropriation of Nonsense, Part 2