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A Confederacy of Dunces

Read These 50 Books Before You Write Your First Fiction Novel

Most of these recommendations come with the territory of “living in a society flush with books.” They are a given, yet I want to assume that, if you want to write a fiction novel, you are out-of-this-world stupid and in need of guidance. The links are to free copies online where available, otherwise it’s an Read These 50 Books Before You Write Your First Fiction Novel

General Oswalt Patton Just Ran A Tank Over Your Forced Pop Culture References

My friend Seth W alerted his twitter followers a little while ago, directing them to this wonderful piece on written by Patton Oswalt, who played Kevin James’ buddy in King of Queens. I normally don’t like the strain of comedy in sitcoms that don’t go beyond penis jokes and battle of the sexes one-ups, General Oswalt Patton Just Ran A Tank Over Your Forced Pop Culture References