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N.T. Wright on Christian Art

When you see a beautiful chalice, it has a double beauty. If it’s well made, it has beauty for what it is. But if you know what it is, it also has beauty because you know what it’s meant to be filled with. The present world is like a chalice. God has made it as N.T. Wright on Christian Art

Living In Taupeville

Once in a while, Relevant Magazine will post something not so completely drenched in Millenial Christian cheese sauce that it’s worth noting. Via Wintery Knight, “What If Having an Extraordinary Life Isn’t the Point?“: Some have grown tired of the constant calls to radical change. They are less sure they want to jump on the Living In Taupeville

The Paradox of Obedience

Jill’s post about the simpy interpretation of this survey of the hierarchy of values among religious people gave me agita—not anything Jill said but the fact that a self-styled smartypants can’t process the inapplication of the simplicity of surveys*. This is a roundabout way of saying people and their belief systems are too complex for The Paradox of Obedience

Addendum To “Correct Religion” Post

See here for the original post. To clear up any confusion, it’s important to make the distinction between gnostic and agnostic atheism. Gnostic atheists—the specific ones I addressed in the post—specifically claim knowledge of God’s non-existence. I take “knowledge” in the vaguely epistemic sense. Agnostic atheists claim a non-belief in deities but are open to Addendum To “Correct Religion” Post

Jesus and the Afikomen Bread

My pastor’s sermon on Easter introduced a nice bit of new information concerning Jesus’ claims of divinity. He did make other, more verbal claims to Godhood but this one is more powerful if you understand the context. During the Last Supper, the seder meal* that He shared with His disciples: While they were eating, Jesus Jesus and the Afikomen Bread

Happy Good Friday and Easter

Enjoy! Embodyment – Golgotha Crucifixion up on the cross Dying for sins fulfilling prophecy Beaten for his faith Praying for enemies upon sacrifice Forsaken in the eyes of God Sins of man to Him were taken Innocent and blameless Death without purity Place of the skull Golgotha Death of the Son Descend into misery His Happy Good Friday and Easter

Invasion of the Moral Busybodies

I don’t know much about Cody but I found him engaging, though I didn’t listen to any of the other parts of his presentation yet. Take note of the social contract as the “big other” theory he brings up. It’s a tool of what C.S. Lewis called “moral busybodies“—bureaucrats, activists, and other state-as-religion believers use Invasion of the Moral Busybodies

Addendum To Evolution Debate Post

See previous Nye/Ham post. Thinking on evolution different belief systems, I recall deciding (very tentatively) on “biblical evolution,” which is the theory of the existence of old earth and both micro- and macroevolution, but that humans were in some form (rimshot) directly created by God. In other words, it’s God-guided evolution, or standard-issue evolution with Addendum To Evolution Debate Post

Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate About Weird Organisms That Died A Long Time Ago

The Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate that happened was followed by a lot of build up and release by the likes of Time and NPR. I didn’t watch because science—evolution particularly—doesn’t interest me that much, and because Bill Nye isn’t an expert in evolutionary biology, while Ham has some credentials as a bachelor degree Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate About Weird Organisms That Died A Long Time Ago

A Sermon on Revelations

This was the sermon last Sunday at my church. I liked it because it didn’t propose any particular eschatological theory; I don’t hold strongly to any of them and I don’t find it too pressing to decide. I do think, though, that some theories—dispensationalism, particularly—are more influenced by Western-styled, secular philosophical movements (i.e., positivism) than A Sermon on Revelations