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The Importance of FAQs

Video is a extremely poor way of communicating large-scale, scientific subjects that require dialogue for folks to really understand. One, because it’s only a one-way conversation; and two, the more prescient reason, is that aside from a video transcript, the information is not searchable/findable, and if the video itself is disorganized, the transcript is not The Importance of FAQs

Recipe: Homemade Lemon Fones and Fam (Fake Scones and Jam), Real Clotted Cream

Clotted Cream Ingredients 1 quart of heavy whipping cream (pasteurized or raw, not ultra-pasteurized) Clotted Cream Directions 1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees. 2. Pour all of the cream into a dish and bake for 12 hours 4. Remove and let it completely cool 5. Cover and store in refrigerator for 2-3 hours, or overnight Recipe: Homemade Lemon Fones and Fam (Fake Scones and Jam), Real Clotted Cream

Photos: Dark Hollow Woods Trail

The Dark Hollow Woods Trail in Oakmont, PA, runs fairly north and south, through a tall, narrow hill with drastic drop-offs. It leads behind a lot of neighborhood houses, down to Plum Creek and Penn Hills Community Park, then back up the hill as you turn and go north again. The trail head starts on Photos: Dark Hollow Woods Trail

Video: Dunkey’s Prank Calls

I disliked the Jerky Boys when they were big in the 90s and early aughts. I could tolerate a few minutes of Crank Yankers before getting bored, and it seemed like a lot of it was scripted. I think it’s the crassness or mean-spiritedness of the callers that repulses me with the idea of prank Video: Dunkey’s Prank Calls

Recipe: Keto Cloud Bread

Ingredients 6 eggs 6 oz cream cheese 1/2 tsp cream of tartar or baking powder Salt and pepper (optional) Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and place parchment paper on a baking sheet 2. Separate egg yolks from the whites and put each into separate bowls 3. Add cream cheese and salt to Recipe: Keto Cloud Bread

Kurzgesagt’s Human Era Calendar and the Proposed Solar Disaster Cycle

Pardon the grandiose post title, but it is descriptive to the subject at hand. I subscribe to the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. I disagree completely with their humanist view of the world, but many of their video are excellent at communicating the basics of complex physical phenomena. Their human immune system and the “nuking the moon” Kurzgesagt’s Human Era Calendar and the Proposed Solar Disaster Cycle

Recipe: Tuna Patties

Ingredients 2 cans tuna (5 oz) 3/4 cup breadcrumbs 2 eggs Optional: 1 yellow onion (chopped), or 1/2 tablespoon onion powder Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Slather some olive oil on a baking pan 3. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mash it up with your hands 4. Form into patties Recipe: Tuna Patties

I Ran a 5k Race

Not a 15k by accident, like last year. Additionally, this was an actual timed race, so my reputation as a world class runner was at stake. I was able to get 2nd place in my division, the 40-49 year old dude category, and 14th overall for the runners. It was the first year of this I Ran a 5k Race

Story Idea: Reverse Zombie Apocalypse

I dislike horror, both watching and writing it, so someone can take this premise and run with it. Whether it actually becomes a good story is up to the writer’s skills and drive. Premise: A shadowy MKUltra-type program accidentally produced your typical patient zero of the zombie apocalypse—the traditional mindless, plodding kind. The effect was Story Idea: Reverse Zombie Apocalypse

Addendum: Stupid Traffic Situations #5

An addition to this earlier post. #5 Unnecessary Stops This one isn’t confusing or dangerous, just unnecessary. Opposing stop signs on the side of the store. The two screenshots are from opposite directions: the top going into the main parking lot area, and one leaving, which routes around the back of the store. On the Addendum: Stupid Traffic Situations #5

Four Stupid Traffic Situations

These are all near where I live, and they bother me just a little bit every time I encounter them. 1. Who Should Yield? #1 Car A and B are traveling “up,” I guess is the direction. Car A’s onramp forms a new lane, but he has a yield sign. Why would Car A have Four Stupid Traffic Situations

Done With Wordle

After 100 straight wins on hard mode, I think it’s time for me to put Wordle out to pasture as part of my daily morning routine. I was hoping my usual start word of “AUDIO” (lots of vowels) would be the answer of the day, so I’d have a one-guess win in the bag, but Done With Wordle

More Icecreaming: RSS Readers

Ever since Google discontinued its Reader app 2013, I’ve been using Feedly as an RSS aggregator. I’ve had no problems with Feedly: the app and browser versions work well, good interface, minimal ads, they’re not pushy with their enhancements. Despite all of that, and in an effort to find out where I can dogfood icecream* More Icecreaming: RSS Readers