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Matthew Alexander Contest Whiners

The three whiners (heh) of the Matthew Alexander contest have been picked and summarily emailed to death. Actually, they have only been emailed once but I’ve been told that my emails are pretty awful as to induce immediate termination of the reader’s life. Congratulations and enjoy Withur We.

How to Not Be Fat

In this post I’m taking a break from being gaseous about writing or my thoughts one of the dozens (literally…dozens) of books that have been published throughout history to post about your big gut and fat butt. Because honestly, dude and miss, you’re pretty fat and you need to lose weight. Now it’s fine if How to Not Be Fat

Grammar Be Difficult

This is more for my own reference than anyone else’s reading this. I tend to get snagged when I’m hitting that sweet typing spot and there’s a simple grammar issue of which I’m unsure of a rule governing it, and I have to stop and think of technicalities instead of letting the words flow. Usually Grammar Be Difficult

Mike Duran Contest Weiner

Congratulations go out to Matt Uhrich, a fellow Pennsylvanian and writer, for winning the Mike Duran contest and receiving a copy of The Resurrection. Happy reading, Matt — be sure to stretch and fluid up before the first page.

Only Neil Knows How Women Are

I was listening to one of my favorite Rush albums, Counterparts, the other day, and a line jumped out at me. From “Cold Fire”: She said, “Just don’t disappoint me You know how complex women are” It seemed like the second line could be taken two different ways, and it’s best to describe the difference Only Neil Knows How Women Are

Correction on the Mike Duran Contest

If you’ve already entered, direct thine oculars to the note at the bottom of the interview to make sure you are truly, truly, entered — then go whack a badly-rendered effigy of me, pinata-style (I am filled with Hot Tamales…they’re my favorite.).

Resolutions Were Made To Be Broken

It’s already a few days into the new year and I haven’t broken my non-resolution to read the whole Bible to do a legitimate review of it. In fact, I’m ahead of the 90 days schedule. No furtive glances or fidgety fingers for me — I’m pounding this into submission. Since it’s the era of Resolutions Were Made To Be Broken

Staycation 2010-2011

So I’m on vacation until the first work day of the new year. Among other things on the docket, mostly holiday-related, that I need to do, I thought I would plan to finish the third and final rewrite of the book — final, as in, the manuscript that is agent-ready and something that I would Staycation 2010-2011

Genitalia Fiction

The Art of Manliness posted about nine writers that are carrying the torch for men’s fiction. It’s not really a secret that most modern fiction is marketed towards women, but I wonder exactly how a story can have a gender. It’s an absurd notion on its head because only people have genders, not words on Genitalia Fiction

Oh Hey, Speaking of Trying To Get Published, Check Out This Cool Top 10 List

I recently gutted my RSS reader of a few dozen writer blogs and a few select agent blogs because the effort to keep up with all of the linguistic confusion was reaching critical mass. Few writers actually write in their blogs; there’s always some urgent contest, a vomit-dump of acronyms in every post, people scheming Oh Hey, Speaking of Trying To Get Published, Check Out This Cool Top 10 List

The Risk Taken

I ride my bike to the bus stop almost every work day — even in the winter. That sounds crazy, but it’s hardly that; biking in the winter is actually much more pleasant and not any more dangerous than in warmer seasons. With a few key pieces of clothing you will not get cold. In The Risk Taken

Book Review: The Man Who Was Thursday

Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday is a mystery novel about a poet and secret agent, Gabriel Syme, and his mission to infiltrate an inner circle of anarchists in early 20th century London. He first meets Lucian Gregory, a fellow poet and one of the anarchists, and through some verbal sparring he goads Gregory into Book Review: The Man Who Was Thursday

Waste Your Life Away With Words

A photographer friend of mine, Jonathan, was telling me about a discussion he had with someone at a video shoot we had just covered for Noisecreep. This person asked Jonathan how to become a photographer. He said his response was this, roughly paraphrased: “I didn’t really know what to tell the guy. The way you Waste Your Life Away With Words

Spin the Dradle, Nauseate Your Inbox

Hanukah starts at sundown today and it snowed a little bit in Pittsburgh, so to celebrate these two unrelated events I set up email subscriptions to — in case you’re one of the five people that read this site and are scared of URL locators and RSS readers. You will make your inbox vomit. Spin the Dradle, Nauseate Your Inbox

Read It, Won’t Buy the T-Shirt

I recently subscribed to the wonderfully-designed blog of someone high-profile in the publishing industry — a writer and editor. There was a good amount of useful information for people like me: unpublished twerps waiting in line to get their hopes eradicated. But there was also plenty of drek: two levels of main navigation, advertisement graphics Read It, Won’t Buy the T-Shirt