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The Web Is Flucked

Almost. It’s more like The Web Is Fucked. I’m not really up or down on swearing so much, but having harsh language in a post title crosses a boundary with me. Anyways, from the linked site: I’m not saying you should avoid all social media – that shit’s pretty much impossible these days and is The Web Is Flucked

How to Create Good Video Game Subtitle UX

While watching RazörFist’s stream of the new Halo Infinite game, I realized how not-great the subtitle UX (user experience) was. It ranged from serviceable but awkward, to slightly confusing, to unreadable. Good video game dialogue and subtitle UX should (in rough descending order of severity): Have good color contrast, size, and line length The subtitles How to Create Good Video Game Subtitle UX

C.S. Lewis on Educated Readers

From That Hideous Strength: “Why you fool, it’s the educated reader who can be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they’re all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and C.S. Lewis on Educated Readers

Recipe: Spicy Grimdark Chocolate Rocks

Ingredients 8oz sugar-free dark chocolate 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 cup of Stevia or natural sweetener 1 pinch of salt 1/4 tsp ground pepper (optional) cocoa powder for dusting Directions 1. If your chocolate is in bar form, chop it up into tiny pieces. I’d do it if it’s Recipe: Spicy Grimdark Chocolate Rocks

Lynnette Got Scratched!

Here’s Lynnette with a copy of Pale Blue Scratch. Print books are life. Send a photo of you with the book, or just a photo of the book, send it to me, and I will post it here. Here’s the paperback, but you can also send a photo of the free e-book version on your Lynnette Got Scratched!

Story: Prior Restraint

In a different timeline, he was standing on a beach of calm tides, looking across at the orange sunset burst. He might’ve been a little bit taller, a little less weird in the face, more extroverted. Outward with his energy, the things people admit to liking when they murmur to each other. There was a Story: Prior Restraint

Super Mario Galaxy’s Storybook

I wouldn’t quite call this exposition as much as it is the backstory for Rosalina, but you don’t know the story’s protagonist is actually her until later. The player is also not required to read the book to understand the world of SMG, since all of that is communicated as the game progresses. Still, it’s Super Mario Galaxy’s Storybook

Kate Got Scratched!

Kate sent me this photo of Pale Blue Scratch, Juniper, and Juniper’s formidable whiskers.

Página de Índice Estático

That title says “Static Index Page” in Spanish, in honor of it being the Day of the Dead, of Jill getting her blog back up, and of me starting to read her new book. She often posts Mexican music and language, and is Catholic, so it seems like all of these things are related. The Página de Índice Estático

Review: Dune, Part 1 (2021)

Spoilers ahead. I will also note that I read Dune many years ago, but have since forgotten much of it. Yes, I plan on reading the series again soon. “DUNE?” More like, “DUDE, call a plumber.” Score: 9/10 The Frank Herbert’s literary sci-fi classic was previously adapted for the large hypnosis machine movie screen with Review: Dune, Part 1 (2021)

Photos: Underwood Typewriters

The old building in which my wife used to work had a display case of old typewriters in the lobby. One of the security guards was nice enough to let me take them out and photograph them (very averagely, it looks like) in the last few weeks before last day there. I didn’t know it Photos: Underwood Typewriters

Jane Doe Lives and Has a Face

It turns out the woman’s iconic face from Converge’s Jane Doe album cover art is a real woman’s face, and that woman found out 20-ish years after the fact and posted on Instagram about it. Converge’s vocalist, Jacob Bannon, who also did the artwork, responded: “Just to be clear: This is definitely one of the Jane Doe Lives and Has a Face

Photos: The Cathedral of Learning

Some photos I took of the Cathedral of Learning a few years ago. It was inspiration for the de Sales College building from Pale Blue Scratch.

Photos: Deer Lakes Park Blue Trail Hike

The map below is inaccurate, as AllTrails’ UX for recording hikes sucks. There’s no easy way to “stop” the hike recording, and “pausing” the hike recording restarted it after a certain time for some reason, so the app recorded me driving home. Encountering these hiccups in a process annoys me both as a user and Photos: Deer Lakes Park Blue Trail Hike

Decentralize Your Internet

From the article “Tech Workers Rebel Against a Lame-Ass Internet by Bringing Back ‘Geocities-Style’ Webrings“: Take Linvega’s LowTech WebRing as an example. A given site connects to two other sites, which connect to two more sites, forming a closed-loop: a ring. Users tout the format as something more like wandering through a neighborhood, reinfusing cyberspace Decentralize Your Internet

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 44

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes A rather exhaustive documentary on the MKUltra program. The link leads to a timestamp later in the video that offers a decent summary. It “feels” like all that research went nowhere, but you can be sure there were things discovered about the mind Links of Possible Relevance, Part 44

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 43

Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important than You Ever Thought Kirk (the author) rightly points out the sexual restraint is a sign, not a cause, of civilizational flourishing. We could assume that loosening sexual restraints is also a sign, not a cause, of decline. There’s probably a myriad of causes that contribute to Links of Possible Relevance, Part 43

Photo: New Giant Rincon Bike

It was time to put the 36 year old Functional to rest. Her cassette and chain got rusted out from disuse over the perpetual scamdemic months, as I was working from home all the time. The steel frame was starting to take a beating, too, that she couldn’t really come back from. So I traded Photo: New Giant Rincon Bike

Story: Prisoner Invisible

A ghost tries to scare a visitor away from her decrepit house so he isn’t harmed, but her attempts have a much different effect. I stood on the precipice of a grand philosophical conclusion one afternoon, when a group of boys, stepping over the leaf-drowned border of the estate, bantered back and forth loudly enough Story: Prisoner Invisible

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 42

‘It’s too late’: Alabama doctor shares final moments of Covid patients, urges vaccination This is almost as fake as the Jewish doctor treating the Neo-Nazi that I posted about a few months ago. It has all the tells. The only thing that would make it a more obvious ploy is if Antonio Planas (the article’s Links of Possible Relevance, Part 42

Photos: The Cosmic Courtship Hardcover

The rewards for the Kickstarter were sent out, so I jumped it to the top of my reading list. Hawthorne’s prose is playful. It seems like a lot of the sci-fi emerging out of the retro-futurist, first stages of the industrialization of electricity (whatever you want to call it) had a bright, optimistic bent. How Photos: The Cosmic Courtship Hardcover

Story: The Ezekiel Triptych

WE HAD A scheduled day off today, but the medusazoans showed up. Protocol dictates we have to make an effort to contact them whenever this happens, but there’s nothing said about recording or even logging the event when no one is on an active shift, as it is during our working days. Technicalities and such; Story: The Ezekiel Triptych

I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens

…because it’s probably not aliens that are involved at all with this—it’s all large-scale electromagnetic stuff. I am not for or opposed either way to aliens being at least covertly mucking around; my beliefs aren’t based on what I can perceive and understand. Aliens would be a good story to come across in reality, but I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens

No Photos: Scouts’ Trail Hike

No photos this time, since the route we took we nearly the same as the Wetlands-Scouts-Rachel Caron loop I posted. We did see a snake that we thought was dead, a deer with a sneezing fit, and lots of graduation parties in the park pavilions. We took our time hiking, with some potty breaks, food No Photos: Scouts’ Trail Hike

How To Annoy People

As if ads were bad enough, we have to deal with online solicitations in the form of dialog box interrupters. Notice that the one screenshot below is a page about stress reduction. You can make matters even worse by paywalling basic, interchangeable content about something—a book, in the National Geographic example—that could easily be found How To Annoy People

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 41

Y2K Music Curse Good article about the realities of signing onto a traditional record label. tl;dr version: artists need to pay everything back. It’s especially hard when you are a metal band trying to nudge your way into the already-limited fanbase, which is what I went through in the bands I was involved with in Links of Possible Relevance, Part 41

Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 19

A.I.C.O. Incarnation A schoolgirl learns she’s not who she thinks she is, and it involves a quarantine zone that resulted from a berserk experiment to create artificial organisms. What’s with trained special forces soldiers who look like Teen Vogue models? At least some series’ lore would explain it away as cyborgs or trained-at-birth/crisis situation scenarios, Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 19

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 40

How Giving Up TV For A Month Changed My Brain And My Life “Never watch more television than the amount of time you exercise.” I am in the clear here, since every day I exercise around 45 minutes. Only some days, I’d only watch a standard-length show with my daughter at night, though nowadays with Links of Possible Relevance, Part 40

I Am Off GitHub

It was the only remaining account I had, besides the one at Goodreads, that was vaguely social or collaborative, that I didn’t really use all that much. I had a few small, personal JavaScript and CSS projects on there that I moved to the UX portfolio page. I don’t code all that much any more I Am Off GitHub

I Accidentally Ran a 15k

Well, almost a 15k. This wouldn’t be so bad if I had planned and trained for it; I had originally intended to do a 5k. My wife’s gym organized a casual weekend run at the Westmoreland Heritage Trail. You could do any length of a run, from a 5k (I think shorter than 5k, too) I Accidentally Ran a 15k

Photos: Highland Park

A few photos here of Highland Park, which is less trail-like and woodsy than Harrison Hills, and much more developed and urban park-like. Space is a little tighter. It’s also much more trafficked, mostly because of the generous walking and biking paths on the streets that run through it. A good chunk of park real Photos: Highland Park

Photos: Wetlands Trail Hike

This one was 2.3 miles, with lots of wet spots (duh), elevation changes, and overlapping with other trails. We saw a fox run across the trail near the end, and bear poop (more on that). I don’t know anything about flowers, but this one at the start of the trail was very noticeable. Later on, Photos: Wetlands Trail Hike

Photos: Spicebush Trail Hike

I took my son out on a hike at a local park. Here are some photos. We had an off-path companion for a few moments: This tree had a strange, ugly vine wrapped around it: Pit stop: I really like this one. The sun is in the top center, right in the opening of the Photos: Spicebush Trail Hike

Near Death by Baptism

I like Rupert Sheldrake a lot when he stays in his lane (biology and science), but he’s off when he’s talking about baptism here. There’s no reason to think John the Baptist held people under longer than what was normal for full ritual immersion in the Hebrew tradition. John was a rather popular rabble-rouser, and Near Death by Baptism

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 39

Kickstarter Project: The Cosmic Courtship, by Julian Hawthorne Who knew that Nathaniel Hawthorne’s son was an accomplished writer in his own right, and serialized a science-fiction romance story in a pulp publication, before sci-fi really took off as a genre? Not me, but I backed this fundraiser, because: “Mary Faust, a brilliant scientist, has developed Links of Possible Relevance, Part 39

In-Meh-lligent Design

I never quite liked intelligent design theory completely. It has interesting points but it rationalized things in a vacuum, as we have no other universe to compare statistical notes, or, if we’re feeling actually scientific: no other universe with which we can experiment, observe, conclude, duplicate the results. The theory also implies that God is In-Meh-lligent Design

G.K. Chesterton on Health Experts

Prescience, from Eugenics and Other Evils. Granted, his time, there was no national health experts the way we have them now. They were more local, within striking distance. The scope was smaller but the observations remain the same. It was best presented perhaps by the distinguished doctor who wrote the article on these matters in G.K. Chesterton on Health Experts

The Call of the Solstice

There are unrelated songs that have been brought to my attention as of late, which are unrelated except for similar experiences when I first listened to them. The first is the title theme of Solstice, the buff wizard 3D-ish puzzle game for the original Nintendo. I played this right when it came out, at 12 The Call of the Solstice

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 38

Saker® Profile Gauge with Lock This looks like an ingenious tool that I will I had thought of. This Is How The Way You Read Impacts Your Memory And Productivity For some reason, we read complex information on physical paper slower than digital mediums, but we retain it better. How Instagram influencers can fake their Links of Possible Relevance, Part 38

Storage Space Woes

Except for browser cache clearing, whenever I come to a storage clearing experience, the results range from lackluster annoyances to infuriating. There’s always something the UI doesn’t provide either during the actual cleansing process, or worse yet, before storage gets filled up, as a preventative measure. And there’s experiences like this that are so openly Storage Space Woes

In Memory of Shoppers’ World

“No, do it like this. Damnit, Susan! You’re a woman! You’re supposed to know how to use these things!” Indulge me in something personal here. I grew up near the Golden Triangle, slightly west of Boston, along the Route 9 corridor in the meaty part of Framingham and Natick. It’s one of the largest shopping In Memory of Shoppers’ World

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Coconut Shrimp

Note: this is for those of us with an air fryer, obviously. Ingredients 1/2 lb tail-on large shrimp 1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup shredded coconut 1 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp paprika 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp salt Directions 1. I used thawed and towel-dried shrimp for this, since it’s easier to coat and Recipe: Keto-Paleo Coconut Shrimp

Words to Use More in 2021

Well, it looks like I’m going to have to use “retarded” more often. From’s annual post about what words we’re supposed to not use now. Dumb SEE DEFINITION The word dumb is very old and very common. You’ve likely heard it millions of times as a way of talking about a joke or movie Words to Use More in 2021

I Am Off YouTube

Not that I did a whole lot on there. I had a bunch of videos, the most important of which were albums from bands in my former life, and albums from others that weren’t uploaded there. I’m not a prophet but I can read the writing on the wall (archive): We also work to make I Am Off YouTube

No One Knows What Will Happen

Especially if they are televised “experts”: Every time there’s a national disaster, a gigantic event, a shooting, a breakthrough, really any news at all, you can rely on television news to find an expert. Some of them know quite a lot about what happened, what will happen, and why. But when it comes to a No One Knows What Will Happen

Politicians Don’t Read Books

Celebrity book clubs and reading lists are hokum. They don’t select or read the books they promote; it’s all contracts between agencies and publishing houses. Similar things can be said about politicians when you see a bookshelf behind them, because it’s true (via Vox Day): Books by the Foot, a service run by the Maryland-based Politicians Don’t Read Books

A Few Images for Safekeeping 01

Sometimes you simply have to say “yes,” without further explanation, and let people conclude things on their own.

Recipe: Jay’s Paleo-Keto Chicken

Useless recipe story and unappetizing photo at the bottom. Ingredients 8 bacon strips (thick cut, preferably uncured) 4 1/2 c of fresh broccoli (about 3 heads) 1 c Parmesan or Romano cheese 3 c chicken (around 2.5 lbs) 1 c heavy whipping cream 1 tbsp butter Salt and pepper, and any other spices you’d like Recipe: Jay’s Paleo-Keto Chicken

Photo: Demon Hunter Logo Sweat

I’m not on social media so this is the only channel I have to document silly and slightly gross things like this. I nearly always get this sweat pattern at the gym when I wear gray shirts, and I’d regret not ever doing a sh!tpost about it. It’s hard to see the “horn” on the Photo: Demon Hunter Logo Sweat

Don’t Think Too Much If You’re British

Ideas like “informed consent,” “weighing all the options,” “be yourself,” “never hide what you are,” assume an allowable range of opinions and expressions. Some things are just not permitted, culturally; it’s always been that way, universal to human societies. But through our powers of observation and simple logic, and appreciation of a larger cultural context, Don’t Think Too Much If You’re British

How Paper Mario: The Origami King’s Story Could Have Been Better

Paper Mario: The Origami King is the sixth Paper Mario installment. Since the series’ games borrow heavily from role-playing conventions, there’s an logical narrative involved, contrasted with the thin “save the princess” plots of Mario’s side-scroller games. While the story for Origami King is good, even great at some points, there are times when it How Paper Mario: The Origami King’s Story Could Have Been Better

Electric Crater Experiment

Interesting experiment, where some guy formed a crater and its rim companion using electricity, water, and silica. Reading up on craters, they seem to be formed by explosions of the impact bodies’ immense kinetic energy on the surface of larger bodies (planets), not the mechanical impact of the body itself. That’s the official explanation, anyway, Electric Crater Experiment

Story: Cardinal Virtues

“‘A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories,’” quoted my sparrow, Jordie, perched on my shoulder, the sound of human language underlaid with her natural staccato chirps. “‘Doorless. Windowless.’” Jordie repeated “windowless” a few moments later, perhaps thinking the intense clamor of birds above us, on the perimeter of the building, drowned out the word. Story: Cardinal Virtues

Two Ways Christianity Could Be Better

1. Removing delineations between the Old and New Testaments. A good reason for the removal of the Old and New Testaments as categories or delineations has two parts. The first is superficial: God’s revelation and dealings with men are neither old nor new, but looking at the writings from a high level, those dealings are Two Ways Christianity Could Be Better

Solar Minimum, 2020 Edition

In addition to references I’ve come across online, I’ve had a few folks independently mention the incoming solar minimum to me. It brought to mind this fascinating series of rambles from Eric Dollard. The first part appears to be filmed by a turtle, while the second half was edited by someone with tachypsychia. Everything before Solar Minimum, 2020 Edition

The Limits of Ability

From a news roundup article at Anonymous Conservative linked in Vox Day’s “The charade of success”: I always thought it bizarre Erik Prince walked into the CIA, fresh out of the Navy SEALs, heir to a billionaire fortune, as comfortable in a high-society soiree at a five star restaurant as he would be hip deep The Limits of Ability

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 37

The Great Myths 9: Hypatia of Alexandria Though the topic interested me, I never bothered with Agora, since Hollywood would never get the history right. I don’t mind that when it’s a film based on history, but Agora was way over the line and took itself too seriously as something accurate. I don’t doubt some Links of Possible Relevance, Part 37

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Fake Potato Salad

One of my sister’s recipes. I could just call this cauliflower salad but it doesn’t sound as fun as “fake potato.” I used an avocado-based mayonnaise. It still has canola oil in it, but not as much as normal. There are better avocado-nnaises out there but they can get awfully expensive. Ingredients 2 lbs of Recipe: Keto-Paleo Fake Potato Salad

Story: Quarantine VII

The story below is a work of fiction. Back to work tomorrow, in eight hours. Last minute preparations. What will it be like; we still have to wear masks. What will it look like, work friends that have been disembodied for the last four months, trying to be social. What’s the protocol for stepping into Story: Quarantine VII

A Quick Thought About Suffrage

The 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage was earlier this week, but this isn’t directly related. A grant of suffrage privileges implies a claim ownership places on the grantee, by the state appratus. The state enters into an agreement with the voter that he casts his vote free of coercion or accountability, and in turn the A Quick Thought About Suffrage

Story: A Creative Process

Worlds upon worlds in endless succession rise up from the raw material ooze below, and present themselves for consideration. After a length of time, as though they tire of waiting for a decision, many of them ascend to the ceiling to submerge themselves back into the primal-matter plasma, to be broken down and remolded for Story: A Creative Process

An Actual Story for a Party Game

I don’t play video games as much any more, but besides the occasional campaign I will run through, I’ll also indulge in multiplayer if the kids are around. You don’t need a storyline for a party video game, since the “story” is the interaction you have with the people (meatspace or virtual) you’re playing with. An Actual Story for a Party Game

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Stuffing Rice

I stole this from a horrible recipe blog—again, one with so many ads that it crashed both Chrome and Firefox for me. It was actually a fritter recipe, but I had tried it a few times as such, but they end up being too delicate. You really need gluten to make it bind like they Recipe: Keto-Paleo Stuffing Rice

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 36

5 Reasons Trump Is Right to Save Incandescent Light Bulbs I may like LED bulbs a little more, but they are likely to progress as a technology because of Trump’s revoking the standards. If the lower prices of incandescent bulbs aren’t a factor in competition, there’s no incentive for firms to figure out how to Links of Possible Relevance, Part 36

God and Ontology

A part of one of Ed’s recent blog posts, and then one of his comments: Don’t be a sucker for the philosophical arguments to support any part of this conflict. Obey what your convictions demand within the context; don’t listen to any other voice. Christ is a Person, not a body of ideas. He lives God and Ontology

On the Perils of Reading an Omnibus

The first omnibus I ever read was a Christmas present from my wife: the More Than Complete Hitchhiker’s Guide collection—the one pictured at the bottom of the pile up there. I had read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book when I was in high school, but none of the sequels. This factoid is important On the Perils of Reading an Omnibus

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 35

Investigation finds doping cover-ups in weightlifting If you found some doping and cover-ups going on, that means there’s a ton of it that is still being covered up. It’s probably everywhere at the professional level, but it’s only investigate if someone with a lot of money makes someone else with a lot of money angry. Links of Possible Relevance, Part 35

Someone Steal This Video Game Idea: High Fantasy Open World Magic Puzzler

The setting doesn’t have to be medieval period, but shouldn’t be technologically advanced. There is a mostly undetectable Functional Magic source that we’ll call tellura, since it comes from all around the earth. A rare number of people, called tellurics, are born with the ability to sense tellura more fully, and utilize it. Think of Someone Steal This Video Game Idea: High Fantasy Open World Magic Puzzler

Photos: I Made a Standing Table

We had adjustable desks at the office, and I would stand most of the time. The last few months of working from home has me sitting way too much, and I could tell it started to affect thing snow that I was back at the gym. So I thought making a standing desk would be Photos: I Made a Standing Table

What Is God’s Moral Alignment?

If you’re a working stiff like me, you will have seen a printout of the moral alignment chart tacked up in the break room somewhere, assuming your co-workers have a base level of humor. The printouts feature characters from a fictional universe (I refuse to use the word “fandom”) and the characters’ perceived alignment. If What Is God’s Moral Alignment?