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Two Reasons the Film “9” Was Good, One Way It Could’ve Been Better.

Spoilers, etc. “9” came out on 9/9/2009 (heh), and was somewhat overlooked because the director, Shane Acker, was a no-name nerd, and although Tim Burton was a producer, his name wasn’t prominent enough in the pre-prod. The film does come off as Burton-esque, and part of its unappeal to some audiences was that it couldn’t Two Reasons the Film “9” Was Good, One Way It Could’ve Been Better.

Speaking of Subverting Things, Periphery’s “The Way the News Goes” Subverts Metal Videos

I posted a link to this video in one of my Links of Possible Relevance before, but watching it again recently, it struck me how non-rock-or-metal-live-show-as-video it is. Consider how most of these types of videos go: There are multiple cameras, usually far back near the house’s soundboard, side stage, or in the photo pit Speaking of Subverting Things, Periphery’s “The Way the News Goes” Subverts Metal Videos

Your Natural Physical Limits

I’m not a bodybuilding expert but this comment left on a subbreddit called “Natty or not?” sums up the state of commercial and professional bodybuilding and fitness. Look after the quote for some defined words that may be unfamiliar to you. Everyone you will see online selling you a workout supplement or program (both of Your Natural Physical Limits

Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Subverts the Star Wars Universe, Makes Me Use Two Colons in This Post Title

Spoilers ahoy! A lot can happen in a fictional universe in two and half hours, and director Rian Johnson took the opportunity to subvert a lot of the established narrative rules of the Star Wars franchise. Monumental things happen in interpersonal relationships, while large-scale events are drawn out with explicit detail. Granted, this happened in Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Subverts the Star Wars Universe, Makes Me Use Two Colons in This Post Title

Recipe: Paleo Sweet Potato Pancakes

I’m posting this here for my own benefit, because I make these a lot and can never remember the recipe. But more importantly, since the original site that holds this recipe, like most cooking sites, is stuffed to the gills with browser-crippling ads. I’m a stickler for giving online credit when it’s warranted, but I’m Recipe: Paleo Sweet Potato Pancakes

Gay Jesus Cake

One of the beating hearts of material philosophy is the strain to derive universals from particulars: i.e., what could we derive about phenomena, a posteriori from experiencing instances of observed phenomena? This goal might be a good fit for science but in ethical philosophy its application can get dicey. “How ought we to live?” is Gay Jesus Cake

The Perfect Pop Metal Song

Don’t be deceived, children—”pop metal” shouldn’t evince audible visions of Fred Durst in JNCOs. The title doesn’t refer to nu-metal but to a certain aesthetic of songwriting. By “pop metal”—or “pop” anything—I mean a song in a specific genre that can easily be translated into a standard pop song…one that can easily be translated into The Perfect Pop Metal Song

Net Neutrality Is Still Retarded

It’s the calculation problem. Always has, always will be: By arbitrarily changing existing markets for internet service, regulators risk corrupting the fragile preconditions necessary for firms and consumers to calculate rationally, and the incentives necessary to lure investment and risk-laden innovative enterprises. The result could be excess demand in the market for internet service if Net Neutrality Is Still Retarded

Photo: Thanksgiving Sunset

Taken from the front door of my brother-in-law’s house. Pretty sure those are stratocumulus clouds. Click photo to embiggen it. Trivia: my son’s first model rocket launch landed the rocket into the top of that tree you see on the right.

Blog About UX Has Really Bad UX

I recently subscribed to a bunch of blogs that deal with UX trends and best practices. One of those blogs is one on the Mockplus product site, which is a prototyping tool for web apps. Normally I access my subscriptions on my phone, through the Feedly app. 90% of the those times, I don’t hit Blog About UX Has Really Bad UX

Really Old Newspaper Clippings

These clippings are from a newspaper called The Boston Sunday Advertiser, from February 15, 1931. It was a small society-type newspaper that had articles on theater shows and various local events, stories, comics, contests, etc. The front page story on Washington and Lincoln seemed out of place. I had thought this was the Sunday version Really Old Newspaper Clippings

Unintentional Name Glyph Length Accuracy

Original, cringe-worthy, video here, about some limp noodles from BuzzFeed and their t-count test results. But the important thing is that the UX design centers of my brain were delighted that the width dimension of their names matched their comparative testosterone level results with ridiculous accuracy:

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 29

Jay DiNitto – LinkedIn Profile Don’t click that link—it’s broken. I took my deleted my profile since I saw no point in it. “Old Life In Your Way stuff” YouTube playlist I uploaded a bunch of old material from my old band, with varying production quality. The videos I play on are the “Skies Broke Links of Possible Relevance, Part 29

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 28

Japanese-style public service ads in LA metro Cute, but it feels the novelty could wear off quick. The real reason why network ‘neutrality’ is impossible Interesting technical reasons why this idea is a nightmare. It will cause shortages of service, just like every other time bureaucrats try to make things “fair.” Twitter is done with Links of Possible Relevance, Part 28

Review: Blade Runner 2049

Minor spoilers ahoy. Blade Runner 2049 is getting ridiculously high ratings, which disturbed me because people like a lot of crap I don’t like and I’m in general agreement with these ratings. What to do? Subconsciously (or not), a lot of the praise may be from the visuals, which isn’t an off-the-mark assessment since films Review: Blade Runner 2049

Two New Javascript Projects Done

A mostly boring, semi-technical post…on the Internet, no less. I have two new Javascript projects done up at GitHub. randomNumberGenerator (repository here) Returns an array of numbers, chosen from a range. Granted, plenty of other developers have done this, but I wanted the mental exercise of coding it myself. I found myself needing random numbers Two New Javascript Projects Done