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Star Wars Episode IX Predictions

Rian Johnson, director of Episode VIII, really painted the franchise’s storyline into a corner. There was a lot of burning away, literal and narrative-wise, what was thought to already be established: “The Force and the Jedi are like this, which isn’t what you thought it was. Heh.” This is the fashion of things after Disney Star Wars Episode IX Predictions

Death and Not Taxes

Consent culture, like everything, has hidden qualifiers. That’s just the reality of language, especially activist language. There’s plenty of forces in modern life that actively work against our consent, like taxes, but very few people would bother to frame that as an actual issue of consent. I suppose there is at least a choice: we Death and Not Taxes

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Rosemary Bread

Posting some more recipes on here for the next few days. This is probably the best virtual place to keep them for me: I won’t lose them and I won’t have to patronize horribly-designed and ad-infested recipe sites. Ingredients 1/2 cup nuts (salted or un) 2/3 cup coconut flour 2 tablespoons psyllium husk powder 1 Recipe: Keto-Paleo Rosemary Bread

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Hobo Casserole

Posting some more recipes on here for the next few days. This is probably the best virtual place to keep them for me: I won’t lose them and I won’t have to patronize horribly-designed and ad-infested recipe sites. Ingredients 1 lb of grass-fed ground beef 1 small onion 1 cup of sliced mushrooms 4 slices Recipe: Keto-Paleo Hobo Casserole

A Good Sir Story

At one of my old jobs, someone had left a poorly-worded note in the break room: “coat doesn’t fit. trade?” I wrote this out and taped it up next to it. I almost considered getting it written it up in calligraphy, but I’m not that big of a jerk. Gentlemen of the XX Floor, Is A Good Sir Story

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 31

Design Is [Protopian] Feels a little too much like the UX discipline overreaching itself. UX designers tend to do that anyway, but this seems…extreme. I rarely find futurists compelling, because most of them simply get their predictions wrong. Some get it right, but only in the particulars, like when Kubrick predicted tablets in 2001. But Links of Possible Relevance, Part 31

Review of The Hobbit

As posted on Goodreads. Total dreck! Who greenlighted this book? The author commits every cardinal sin of basic fiction writing: breaking the 4th wall, using the first person, using second person, hand-waving, telling instead of showing, archaic dialogue tags (“said Bilbo”). Some offenses the more advanced reader will notice, like no plot twists or shocking Review of The Hobbit

A Few Micro-Stories

Lily and Daisy Toddlers warming to their names Fart blossoms blooming Island-stranded couple’s bottled message: “Don’t bother.” Johnson quickly saluted his smug editor. Yet behind him, Emily seethed. The office editorial was complete.

Instagram Sucks Unless You Use It

You can’t subscribe to Instagram users unless you have a third party website produce an RSS feed for the account you’d like to follow (Instagram doesn’t publish feeds natively). My RSS generator decided to make you pay for their service, so I’m on the lookout for a free one because I’m cheap and have zero Instagram Sucks Unless You Use It

The Society of Steam Series Review

Posted on Goodreads. This is more of a review of the series than the final book. Spoilers ahead. There’s two hurdles with steampunk fiction: the gadgets (and to some extent, the fashion), and the alternate history. The former challenge is a highly visual concern and doesn’t lend itself immediately to the prose format; it’s more The Society of Steam Series Review

I’m Still Alive

“Barely. I’m spilling all over the pages, blood the color of graphite, gray soul spatters into the shape of letters.” Is something I would not say. None of the writing process is so dramatic. It’s boring to observe: it’s all yawning and staring off into empty space in front of you. I get the need I’m Still Alive

Blog Hiatus Redux, AKA: “Okay Google, Women Celebrities Dress Like Cheap Prostitutes Committing Sudoku”

The quoted part of this blog post’s title is something I overheard in a dream. Maybe. Do we “overhear” things in dreams, if people inside your dream say something, or do we simply dream them? I failed miserably at the earlier hiatus I attempted. I thought I would have more free writing time because of Blog Hiatus Redux, AKA: “Okay Google, Women Celebrities Dress Like Cheap Prostitutes Committing Sudoku”

Random Things Found in Used Books, Part 1

I found this in a copy of Machiavelli’s The Prince. It was obviously an ad hoc bookmark, but either side had blocks of content unharmed. Looks like it was torn from one of those skeevy urban alt-magazines that complain about everything.