Wow, that’s an incredible building. Those arches look breathtaking. And is the college named for de Sales, as in St Frances de Sales? Just out of curiosity.
Correct about the “de Sales” origin, because of his journalism-oriented patronage. Greater Athens-Marina, before it was named that, was heavy with church presence, even after the university bought the land and set up shop with their buildings (that’s the backstory, anyways).
I want to go back there (the cathedral) soon and take some better photos, but I don’t know how dweebish they are going to be with their restrictions because of you-know-what.
Love those ribbed vaults.
I do as well. They are just as magnificent in person.
Wow, that’s an incredible building. Those arches look breathtaking. And is the college named for de Sales, as in St Frances de Sales? Just out of curiosity.
Correct about the “de Sales” origin, because of his journalism-oriented patronage. Greater Athens-Marina, before it was named that, was heavy with church presence, even after the university bought the land and set up shop with their buildings (that’s the backstory, anyways).
I want to go back there (the cathedral) soon and take some better photos, but I don’t know how dweebish they are going to be with their restrictions because of you-know-what.