This was a special photo set for two reasons. This was when
Project 86 was in the sweet spot in their career for me. They had released their third album,
Truthless Heroes, on Atlantic Records, back when getting signed to a major record label meant something more than it does now. Their first three albums are my favorites of their discography. I haven’t dug into their later releases much yet to really say; now that I’m getting into Spotify finally I can listen at my leisure (picture me pronouncing that like
lezshure, with a Transatlantic accent). All of this to say that their set list that day was full of favorite songs.
The second reason these photos are special is because of this. You can see the carnage and the aftermath in the last few photos. I was safely ensconced behind the rigging on the side of the stage, so I was saved. Unfortunately, no bricks came out of that mess, no matter how many times I stomped around.
Fun fact, via Schwab’s book, It’s All Downhill From Here: On The Road With Project 86: Atlantic Records refused to release the second single from Truthless Heroes because they thought it was critical of the Iraq War, though the song title isn’t mentioned.

You’ve been to many a good concerts … and that mud is unreal. Based on the video, it looks like they didn’t even get to finish the song!
A little unrelated, but I’m assuming you’re familiar with this classic from Hellfest?
No, never saw that video, but I remember Hellfest in general. I do remember seeing NJ’s fill-in vocalist a few times. I remember him being better than his performance in that video, though.