Considering what the ancient Hebrews thought about the goings on in the heavenly realm with the Elohim council, and who rules the nations after Babel, a horrifying cosmic god-being directing America’s fate is not far off from the truth compared to other views. That is, if you share those ancient beliefs at all (I do). Fiction, even written by a godless manic depressive like Lovecraft, can let loose arrows that wonderfully and ironically hit the mark.
Internet Archive has not been archiving since 10/8.
Google Cache has stopped caching.
The Alexa service – the one that used to rank web traffic (not the Amazon virtual assistant) is gone.
The ability of censors to memory-hole the internet is growing.
Possibly related item #2: “Pittsburgh Has Seen More Political TV Ads Than Anywhere Else”
I don’t watch local TV much, and almost never any network TV. I’ll have YouTube constantly up for one reason or another, and there’s the occasional streaming movie or series, but let me tell you how relentless the political ads have been the last few months for me, for both federal and state-level races. One on streaming service, there were five of the same Kamala Harris ads in a row, in a single commercial break. There’s maybe some studies showing that this Orwellian, wall-to-wall screwdrivering into one’s eyes and ears has an intended effect, but I want to chalk it up to having too much campaign funds. Luckily, I am consciously immune to the nonsense, though I’m sure it affects us in ways we can’t fully understand or control. It’s called “programming” for a reason, as the saying goes.
Yehova is still over and above the council, as he certainly did not ask it’s permission, take a vote, or even tell them what exactly his son was going to accomplish or Yeshua would not have been killed. He is in control, no matter how it looks to us or his council. They are preparing for something by erasing the past. What? Are they doing this to protect themselves and cover up what’s been done or are they preparing to take it to the next level? Only time will tell, but I suspect there will be some twits and turns.
“They are preparing for something by erasing the past. What?”
Makes me think that, correctly or incorrectly, a Trump presidency might bring some hell down on their heads, and this is a small step in mitigating that. That’s a lot of assumptions on my part…who knows what’s really going on? Not me, for sure.
I would register to vote if Cthulhu was running.
Now we’re talkin’!