Memorial Park in New Kensington is mostly a forest. The developed section has a road, parking lot, a small soccer field, basketball courts, tennis courts, not-ice-or-field hockey court, a playground, the aforementioned walking paths, and lots of little ornaments and monuments, pictures of which are below. Oh, and heavy artillery and a fighter jet.
This stone was right near the rainbow bridge above, so I assume the bridge had to do with the Girl Scout troop seen here:
This to me looked like something you’d find in an ossuary, and it would contain the remains of someone notable. Looking at photos of ossuaries, they don’t seem to have this type of structure in them, and I doubt there would be human remains in this particular one. So I’m at a loss as to what this is:
I’ve never seen a skinny shed like this:
The main part of the walking path creates a loop, and this is the clearing inside the loop:
Hard to see but this is a bridge over a tiny creek. It was super dry for the last few days when we hiked here, so the creek was completely dry:
The dry creek bed:
Snow White:
A memorial for local soldiers that died in battle:
Hmmm. An old M5 anti-tank gun, and what looks like a T-33 (trainer) jet. Fits right in with the trinkets scattered about the rest of the park. Some of those displays look almost like cult shrines, the kind of stuff I’ve seen in other parts of the world.
Yeah, I have no idea the source of most of those installations or what you’d call them, except for the ones clearly labeled like the Girl Scout one. Weird.
Actually, I wouldn’t mind going to that park every day just to have different focal points for my eyeballs. I might have to borrow some of those ideas for my yard – like the little log cabin on a post with a teeny porch swing!
Thanks for the dose of good photos!! (:^)
I actually kinda wonder if birds ever try to nest in there, because they can do that in the oddest places. But with so many trees around they might ignore weirdo structures like a mini house.
Nice pictures! Looks like a wonderful place to walk, and that’s quite a menagerie of objects. (The dragon might be my favourite.) 🙂
The dragon was a good ‘un, for sure.
It’s a nice area but probably better to walk when the weather is cooler.