Wednesday Humpday Midday Music: “Rosekranz” from SaGa Frontier 2

I watched part of a playthrough of this game a while back, back before playthrough videos on Youtube got obnoxious with overediting and spastic commentary. I was initially attracted by the watercolor portrait artwork and the hand-drawn, diagonal gameplay backgrounds, and the story was unique enough to bother paying attention.

The soundtrack, written by Masashi Hamauzu, had a similar feel to what you hear in Threads of Fate—the “sonic library” or whatever it’s called. Although both games came from Square and released around the same time, Threads of Fate‘s composer was Junya Nakano. Wikipedia tells me they were buddies and collaborators, so maybe their styles were mutually influential.

There were other versions of this same song throughout the game, but “Rosekranz” played when your character—Wil, I think—is hanging around a restaurant full of people waiting for their orders. One of the patrons “gives” you the song, and it replaces whatever default town music was playing. It’s anticlimactic to hear this during a random encounter with an NPC; it feels more at home during a ceremony or even a character’s theme song. It’s sure nice to listen to, regardless.

Listen below or load the mp3 of “Rosekranz” in a new tab/window.

1 Comment

  • Ed Hurst says:

    Reminds me of movie sequences when a couple are just getting to know each other working on a project of some kind. A little whimsical action here and there, etc., but no dialog.

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