UX Master Certification

True to my plan early in 2023, I’m now listed as a UX Master on Nielsen Norman Groups’ certification page. Earlier this week I finished my last course and passed the last exam, and I think I owe it to myself to take a break from formal learning for a while. It can wreak havoc on your schedule.

Here’s the official PDF: NN/g UX Master Certificate (DiNitto)


  • Ed Hurst says:

    Hooray! Congrats, I know the feeling of wanting to take a break from course work.

    • Jay says:

      I actually preferred the full day courses, as opposed to two half day courses. I think I retain things better if it’s all at once. Either way, it’s good to have it behind me.

  • Graham says:

    Congratulations! Some of those courses sound pretty interesting judging by their titles.

    • Jay says:

      Thanks. One of my favorites was the Human Mind and Usability. Lots of good insight on how bad website design can wear people down, and things to consider to steer people away from going nuts.

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