The weirddalle Twitter account post some interesting produced artwork. Here are some of ones that I produced, the ones I thought were accurate, and some not so much.
“alien animals”
They kinda just look like aliens, both animal and humanoid.
“politicians arm wrestling”
Nothing unusual here, for AI-generated stuff, that is. You can notice Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but no one else.
“genghis kahn playing call of duty”
I wanted to see Khan playing Call of Duty on a console, but here it looks like he’s in the actual game.
“rita hayworth lifting weights in a prison yard”
Accurate, here. You can make out Rita, or someone resembling her. Clear prison yard and lifting weights. Good on Craiyon.
“aliens sunbathing with santa claus”
Not sure why it turned out so cartoonish. Craiyon managed the alien, Santa Claus, and sun parts, but didn’t grasp the sunbathing part.
“bored in the breakroom”
I wanted to see how it would turn out if I put in the title of one of my books. Pretty straightforward.
“pale blue scratch”
My other book’s title. I wonder why Craiyon couldn’t show at least one with a scratch, but they honestly look like PostIt notes to me, because of the color and shape. Maybe the craiyon thought of “pale blue scratch pads” or the like.
“bruce lee taking a selfie with a dead fish”
Same with the aliens and Santa Claus images, Craiyon had a hard time with the “selfie” concept.
“the colossal titan buys and egg salad sandwich”
Not bad. I guess it would be hard to depict him buying it, but this is pretty close.
“gigachad blowing bubbles”
“jay dinitto”
None of these look like me. What is going on here?
No, really…what are you thinking, Craiyon?
“lawnchairs flirting with garden snakes”
I don’t even know how you could depict them flirting at all, so Craiyon gets a pass on this.
“marie kondo trying to hide a large skeleton”
The fact that, despite the nightmarish human faces Craiyon always draws, you can still tell she’s smiling, makes this hilarious to me.
“random objects”
Just about all of these look almost like real objects you could use, but not quite.
“a sangheili entertaining children”
Not that great. I love in the top left drawing, it looks like the Elite is pointing a gun at a child on the ground.
“donald trump and joe biden art nouveau”
Pretty good.
“vomiting as communication”
Just vomiting, it seems. The “communication” part is probably too abstract.
“xenomorph cooking breakfast”
Similar to the Colossal Titan rendering above, but a little more accurate. “Cooking” might be easier for Craiyon to interpret and depict in a drawing than “buying.”
“toddler metal vocalist”
This one came out well.
“rambo playing chess underwater”
This one is my favorite, after the Rita Hayworth image. You can’t quite tell if it’s Rambo or not, but the underwater chess is definitely there.
It’s still just a toy until it can get faces and figures clear. It doesn’t have to be precise, but it does need to look like a face, for example. For now, it’s a little cubist on faces.
For faces, I like to use
Once in a while you’ll get badly generated teeth, and it sometimes generates odd hair, but the faces themselves have never gone haywire.