I stole this from a horrible recipe blog—again, one with so many ads that it crashed both Chrome and Firefox for me. It was actually a fritter recipe, but I had tried it a few times as such, but they end up being too delicate. You really need gluten to make it bind like they should.
5 cups shredded zucchini (2 large zucchini, might make a little more than 5 cups)
4 whole eggs (preferably medium in size)
4 red or yellow onions
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 cup grated parmesan or romano cheese
1 cup flour (coconut or almond)
coconut oil for frying (or butter, ghee, olive oil)
1. Shred the zucchini, then put it into a strainer. No need to get all of the water out since the frying will boil most of it off.
2. Shred the onions and dump it into a large bowl.
3. To the shredded onions, add the salt, eggs, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, crushed red pepper, pepper, and flour
4. When you’ve strained the zucchini a decent amount, add it to the onion and other stuff.
5. Mix well. Depending on how much the zucchini is strained, it’ll end up being a little muddy. That’s okay.
6. Heat a large pan to medium/medium-high, add a good chunk of coconut oil and melt it.
7. Add maybe half of the zucchini-onion mixture to the pan and fry it until it’s dry and clumps together. It will look like chopped stuffing, almost. Be sure to fry it with the lid off because you want the remaining moisture to evaporate.
8. Fry the rest of the mixtures.
9. Let it cool a bit and enjoy. Tastes like spicy turkey stuffing!
Dairy disqualifies it as vegan. My browser just crashed!
Haha! I screwed that one up for sure. Fixed! May your browser uncrash.