The moving images we’re seeing seeing didn’t come out of nowhere. All the opposing sides were previously hedged away from each other by geography and a veneer of civility, which began to slowly erode some time ago. Western society can sometimes be good at separating the things that need to be kept apart, but whether that situation is morally, or at least materially, beneficial depends on the context and our personal lenses. The fruit of Enlightenment-inspired social experiments, with its failures compounded as they were kicked down the road, eventually removed those barriers and smashed everything together like floodwaters in all directions. That fruit turns into poison and is barfed up. It’s never pretty, and it can force a lot of otherwise innocent folks into the aftermath. That’s what you get with cult tactics. Don’t mistake a cult as something other than a cult, with its attendant ways of capturing a following, because of its size. Murray Rothbard famously said the nation-state is just a large-scale mob; so it is with the mind-virus emerging from the mish-mash of philosophical traditions modern America had inherited. Any culture that places precedence on the human intellect as the primary method for understanding the world has to eventually vomit that poisoned fruit up, and it’s not limited to one side of the conflict, no matter how much closer to a “correct” solution one side’s view is from another’s. God, in His longsuffering, entertains people’s delusions for a measured length of time for whatever reasons only known to Him, before He finally gives hands them over to the demons. What we’re witnessing now is the beginning of the violent snap back to the reality of creation.
Amen, Jay. Well said.
I knew you would understand 🙂
“God, in His longsuffering, entertains people’s delusions for a measured length of time for whatever reasons only known to Him”
Are you suggesting there’s a divine, specific reason for everything, even if certain things are not good in themselves?
In a way, yes, but I’d word it differently. The only thing good is whatever God’s will is, which is a hard thing to reconcile given the western philosophical background. I don’t believe there is any good outside of God’s purposes.
I feel like you are carefully and ambiguously wording things so as to not offend anyone and to elude Internet Trolls that hide behind cryptic screen names.
It applies to just about any side you can think of, given current events, because I don’t see any side being pleasing to God. But I will say one or a few sides are right in the epicenter of God’s wrath.