Keep in mind this is a public account I’m trying to view. Not a private person, but a band trying to broadcast their presence.
And then I’m treated with the awful screaming modal, should I have the audacity to scroll down enough. Facebook is the rich uncle who is holding a huge party at his estate, and he tries to make you guess an impossible password to get in. Or pay him $1000. Sooner or later, you realize it’s not worth the effort, especially knowing he could easily just let you in the front door.
For a much better experience, check the band’s Bandcamp. Load page, hit play. Done.
Zucker operates as a monopolist and is convinced he can afford to forget about cultivating visitor goodwill.
Truly. Money covers a lot of UX sins. The same thing with Amazon. Amazon’s user experience is schizophrenic.
It also makes me wonder how Craigslist didn’t get sucked into something ridiculous. If anything, it got a little better as time wore on, but it never expanded into doing more–“scope creep”. It happens way too often unless someone higher up makes it a policy not to go that route.