Photo: Skyline Clouds
This was taken from the floor I work on, facing mostly north and a tad west. You can see the Allegheny River bottom right, and PNC Park on the far side. The Highmark building is the beige one way on the left; not sure what the grayish one next to it is. And of course, the bands of cumulus clouds coasting along (please ignore reflection of the ceiling lights).
Portals, you mean
I don’t know what you mean 🙁
Yeah, Jill, I’m waiting for creatures to come dropping through those bright square portals in the sky any moment now. 😉
Nice skyline, Jay. There aren’t any skyscrapers I’m allowed to access in OKC or I would have done that instead of taking pictures from parking garages.
Now I get it 🙂
I’ll make a note to take some more photos on the other sides of the floor, when the weather allows for a decent shot.
I also have access to a few other tallish buildings in the city. I can try shots from those as well.