I collect and read books because I want to have a few damn things in my life that I don’t have to recharge, restart, reboot, silence, shut down, troubleshoot, buy a cover for, update, upgrade, adjust brightness, adjust volume, adjust notifications, insert an SD card into, clear cache, ignore spam calls on, replace, repair, pay monthly for, sign a contract for, tap on, scroll on, swipe on, pinch, or break when I drop it once on a wooden floor.
Note: photo taken with my LG Tribute
I see some Penguin Classics; those books are beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that there’s a “company” with knock off Penguin covers … https://www.amazon.ca/Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus-Ludwig-Wittgenstein/dp/1781397767/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1527117571&sr=8-11&keywords=wittgenstein
They definitely are classic style (the Penguins and the knockoffs), especially when you compare the covers with “trendy” or recent-period artwork.
Like the Secret Garden, which I just read. Check that Penguins cover vs other versions. Egads!