Pale Blue Scratch Ebook Now Free

I made the Pale Blue Scratch ebook free for download over at Smashwords, and removed it from the Kindle store.

Amazon doesn’t give the option to make your ebook free by default, so you have to request that they make it free, and it doesn’t always work. I don’t have the time or energy for the hassle, so off it came like bad underwear.

As always, the print version is available in multiple outlets.


  • “I don’t have the time or energy for the hassle, so off it came like bad underwear.”

    This made me laugh more than it probably should have.

    • Jay DiNitto says:

      To whatever extent you laughed, it’s the right amount.

      I tried leaving a comment a bunch of times on your dog post, but it’s not working for some reason. Here it is:

      “There would’ve been a few easy ways to figure out the dog situation: check its collar, or call the shelter/pound, etc. But that’s an armchair analysis. If I came across the same situation I might have more empathy and less thinky.”

      • Yeah, for me personally, I believe that I think significantly more clearly in hindsight than in present situations. “Thinky” is a catchy word, also.

        • Jay DiNitto says:

          In unusual, “surprise” situations like that, I wholeheartedly believe we act on instinct and heuristic knowledge, two things over which we have no conscious control. As the trauma reaction (“trauma” is a drastic word but I think you know what I mean) dies down, we can start employing willful, conscious thinking. That’s the “thinky” part. 🙂

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