I’m On FitBit

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Wife had one that she didn’t really wear any more, so I took up the mantle. I don’t need one, for sure, but it couldn’t hurt.


  • Jill says:

    I have one. It’s good for creating a benchmark of activity. It doesn’t ever give credit for strength training, though. I reach my exercise goals just by giving the dog a walk every day. Then I come home and do some kind of strength training.

  • Jay DiNitto says:

    I have an option on my fitbit to track weight training. Do you? I don’t think it differentiates the data after it records a workout, except for the “label” you selected (weights, hike, bike, etc.).

    I feel (experience) that resistance training is a world apart from cardio, but consumer tech isn’t at the point where it can track muscle exertion, metabolic reactions, DOMS, etc.

    Tracking devices being more opinionated about what the user does is an interesting/big market gap…because it can make or break a user’s livlihood.

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