I swear I had this up here before for safekeeping, as I usually do, but it went the way of the buffalo. It’s back!
8 oz dark chocolate
1/8 tsp chipotle or cayenne pepper
1/2 cup heavy cream
big pinch of salt
cocoa to dust
1. Chop up chocolate and place in bowl, add the cayenne/chipotle and salt
2. Heat up the cream on the stove until it comes to a boil
3. Remove the cream and pour into bowl
4. Let cream and chocolate sit for 3 minutes, then stir with a spatula until smooth
5. Pour melted chocolate onto plastic wrap, then roll it up in the wrap and make it into a rough log shape
6. Still wrapped, put the chocolate log into the refrigerator until firm
7. Unwrap chocolate and cut into rough block shapes
8. Toss chocolate blocks into a bowl with cocoa dust
9. Done!