“Stop Crying” subreddit – That link doesn’t go anywhere because the subreddit doesn’t exist. Someone needs to start it, though, kind of like the “I Am Very Smart” or “Le Wrong Generation” subreddits, to highlight all the people who comment on Facebook images or Youtube videos of overtly sentimental subject matter with tears in their eyes (“damn those onion-cutting ninjas!” etc.). It’s getting out of hand.
Red Deer man punches cougar at Tim Hortons to save dog – I thought cougars would be more into Bob Evans.
SpecFaith: The Need for Diversity in Christian Fiction – No. God, please no. God doesn’t need diversity in anything any more than He needs a peanut butter sandwich or a stovepipe replacement. Evangelical Christians are like conservative Republicans—they hop on cultural trends 5-10 years too late, when everyone else has moved on to the next progressive cause.
Oh No, a Shortage of Dead People – Some folks are too retarded to figure out the negative, unseen, unintended effects of their favorite public policies, but the moment the private sector does something, there’s a sudden burst of insight!
The world is getting more frighteningly stupid by the day. – Yes it is, Jill. It is.
Megadeth’s “Hangar 18” – Ending on a positive note! One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums…and it still holds up today, 25+ years later. This seems to be the remastered version, and thankfully they didn’t quiet down Dave Mustaine’s and Marty Friedman’s solo dueling. Hey, speaking of solos, as far as metal it doesn’t get any better than these solos. Keep in mind this was pre-Protools, make-everything-sounds-the-same era. You can feel them beating the crap out of those strings raw to get them to sound the way they want: lots of string scraping and accidental pinch harmonics. As one user commented: “Best solo battle ever, best solos ever, best solo tone ever.”
Good list! Let’s see, in order… I like using words that annoy sometimes and that’s a good one. The second and third items are both hilarious. I might be willing to take on a wild cat, but I’d have grabbed a weapon first; that’s how I handled a few other critters in the past. The SpecFaith dweeb belongs with the LOL guy. What, technology will rob the cadaver industry? I’m with Jill. That particular piece by Megadeath was almost tolerable; I listened to the whole thing.
Well, I can’t blame you for trying the Megadeth song. Most people would’ve x’ed out after the first few seconds, if they weren’t into it in the first place.
You may like this better? I don’t think he really plays guitar…he does something to the air around his guitar and we can’t really comprehend it so our minds interpret it as guitar playing.
There’s no denying that Vai innovates every time he so much as looks at a guitar, and I think it’s obvious he is no mere thrasher, but knows “serious” music as well. However, I can take him only in small doses. Improvisation wears on my senses after awhile; I’m not wired for much of that.
Typical day in Canada. Even a little more strange than that time Marilyn Manson got punched at a Denny’s in Lethbridge.
Is it bad that I laughed out loud at this? 🙂
Bad to laugh at the consequences for being a shock rocker with no understanding of aesthetics proper and finding that out at a local pancake house? Nah, pretty much makes sense. 😉 Although I will give Manson this: great interviewee.
Color me stupid. I read that as Marilyn Monroe. The image of her getting clocked in a diner was humorous/absurd to me.
Ha! Yes, that is slightly more difficult to imagine. Maybe at some Bob Evans in some possible world, eh …