We’re Leaving

“This place is a tomb.”
-Captain Miller, Event Horizon



  • Ed Hurst says:

    Didn’t see the whole movie, but I recall seeing bits and pieces. It was part of what pushed me to investigate the Western cultural fear of the unknown against the Hebrew culture that had nothing like that. I noticed how all the horror flicks really had a lot in common and lost all interest in the horror genre. It’s unique to Western culture.

    • Jay says:

      Yeah…the idea that a ship could just “go to” hell and come back because of dubious technology is bogus…though I can see if it went to a parallel universe that was somehow malicious, they couldn’t describe any other way besides “hell.”

      • Ed Hurst says:

        Yes; the whole Western image of “Hell” is all wrong. I’ve often warned that standing in the Presence of God without His mercy is hellish enough without envisioning extensions of various medieval dungeons and whatnot. Dante was ludicrous but his influence endures in Western mythology. There’s nothing like any of that in the Bible. I’m utterly certain going out into the universe would be much more a problem of overwhelming radiation than anything else. We can find plenty of madness here at home on Earth.

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