The Occident Is Doomed

Back in my day, I had an outspoken atheist professor who said at the start of every semester that if we didn’t like something in his class: “Tough shit. Suck it up or leave.” I didn’t care because he was funny and was good at learnin’ me logic and philosophy, and I actually got to know him better after taking more and more classes.

Never once did it ever enter my mind that I should feel uncomfortable with being nearly targeted directly in class at times. Even if I was uncomfortable, the rhetorical tools to complain about it simply didn’t exist, and more importantly the outrage culture of social media was almost decades away. Truly, it was a suck it up or leave situation.

And then there’s this.

See, some of the myths Ovid recounts involve sexual violence. Zeus’ daughter Persephone (aka Prosperina), for instance, is kidnapped, raped, and taken as a bride by Hades, king of the underworld. The op-ed writers suggest this ancient Greek and Roman myth is too triggering to be taught in today’s classroom:…

It’s really a symptom, not a root cause, of decline, but a culture of increasing sissiness is going to reach mission-critical defective status rapidly.


  • Ed Hurst says:

    Well, perhaps it’s a matter of degree, since cultural prissiness has been around for more than a century, but not so crazy silly as we have it now. Then again, I suspect it’s more a matter that, if you see this silly stuff with a certain range of other symptoms of decline, it serves as a warning of impending doom.

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