An Atheist Abortion Doctor Read Matt Walsh’s Blog. What He Does The Next Day At The Office Will Completely Blow You Away.

No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Larabars

This recipe is totally cribbed from My Whole Food Life but I thought I would repeat it here. Since Larabars don’t put anything goofy in their stuff, replicating them at home is easy to do.

Like the Primal Energy Bites recipe I posted a while back, these are a perfect dessert if you’re trying to do low- or no-simple-carbs type of diet. Vegan dorks can easily find a de-animalized substitute for the chocolate chips, or preferably just stop being vegan altogether.

15 dates (pitted, non-sulfur)
2 cups raw cashews*
1/4 cup dark chocolate mini-chips**
1/2 tsp salt
1 tblsp cruelty-free, free-range water
  1. Chop up the cashews in a food processor.
  2. Add everything else but the chips and continue to pulse until it gets doughy.
  3. Spread the dough, flat and even, on an 8 x 8, parchment paper-lined pan. Leave some extra parchment on the sides so you’ll be able to grab it later. Press down on the dough to make it flat.
  4. Add the chip on top, pressing them in so they stick.
  5. Let it refrigerate for a few hours (wifey put them in the freezer for a bit…worked fine).
  6. You can pull the sheet of dough out by the extra parchment paper and use a pizza cutter to make bars or squares.

Here’s some sub-standard food photography:



* Roasted cashews can be used but they are usually cooked with oil, and it will make everything kinda greasy.
** The ones photographed here are normal size.


  • jed says:

    If I were an abortion doctor who had just read Matt Walsh’s blog, I would probably eat homemade Lara bars at the office the next day too.

    Seriously, this is a great idea and I think I will try it. Any stab at a cost comparison, based on purchase price of ingredients / # of bars??? Curious to know….

    • Jay says:

      Just asked wifey since she did the shopping and she thinks it should come out to a little cheaper per serving. The dates and cashews are the most expensive, so if you can get those in bulk you’ll get far ahead in terms of cost.

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