Some decent thoughts here, with requisite spoiler warnings if you haven’t seen the entire film. The film is, however, must-see for science-fiction or technology/futurist enthusiasts, as long as you’ve already gotten past the “animation is for kids” reservation that you may have. If you haven’t yet, please do get past that assumption before watching it because you won’t be able to absorb it properly.
The video’s title is misleading since he spends ample time explaining Ghost’s predecessory position to The Matrix than examining thematic elements. I was glad he included the boat scene (one of my favorites of all time), but the voice performance in the English dubbed version gets mangled. Not so much because of the actress (Mimi Woods, who does an average job) but there’s some inherent mechanical difficulties in having to match mouth movements with the translated English words. If I ever have the time and inclination I want to upload the subtitled version to do it justice.
Anyways, the narrator skirts around the Cartesian mind vs. body problem and doesn’t seem to state it outright that there is no separation between body and mind. We can infer that from the fact of memory being readable and rewritable, and copyable—as it is in the Ghost universe—though with everything in philosophy, there can still be arguments against it.
LogosSteve also points out the marriage/childbirth themes, which I didn’t really notice that much before. It’s interesting to note that the verse spoken by the voice in the aforementioned boat scene, 1 Corinthians 13:12 sits in a chapter known for its exposition of Christian love, which is used in some marriage ceremonies.
* Note the similarities in voice quality and roles between Tom Wyner as the English-voice Puppetmaster and Lawrence Fishburne’s Morpheus.