A Short Excerpt of the Internal Dialogue of a Young Video Game Hero

It was the day of all days. I planned on finally exerting some of my blossoming masculinity on the two callow lads that were a year my minor. I was picturing how awesome I looked in my “confidence headband” when I slipped on that damned log and fell.
Guess which two little faggots in this picture are going to get what's coming to them?

Guess which two faggots in this picture are going to get what’s coming to them?

They ran away, but I found a sword jabbed into a stone at the bottom of the waterfall—a not-subtle phallic invitation to a rite of passage. I didn’t know it would activate the 16-bit critters that explode or instantly reduce themselves to bones upon death. They barely pose a threat to anyone, really, but John gave me the boot and stood guard at the entrance like he would get laid for it. It’s alright. I hate that guy’s mustache anyways.

His facial hair looks even more retarded high up.

His facial hair looks even more retarded high up.

After I finish my quest in a few days’ worth of hours I’m going to go sword-broadside on those two towheaded bastards.

Banish image graciously stolen from trapword.com.

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