Many people who self-publish right now are simply uploading their files and hoping for the best. I am self-publishing as if I were my own actual publishing company and doing every aspect of this perhaps even more professionally than a publishing company does things. I plan on describing the step-by-step in a separate post on what things I did here that are different than the average self-published (or even mainstream-published) book. So that’s why I decided to keep June 3 as the official release date.
That said, the book is ready now, I’m fascinated by Bitcoin as a “Choose Yourself” currency, and didn’t think it was a big deal to release it this way three weeks early. I don’t expect a lot of people will buy via Bitcoins (I don’t think that many people have Bitcoins) but I liked the idea of being the FIRST book in history to be, for a couple of weeks at least, only available on Bitcoin.