I wanted to try one of these because I’m usually not super hungry in the morning and it was more convenient than making something the night before (or the morning of). AMRAP bars are fairly new to the market and the ingredient list was attractive.
It’s very dense but chewy, not crumbly or crunchy. At 300 calories for a normal size bar it probably should be. There’s cinnamon in it, which is a spice that seems to dominate whatever it’s in, but then there’s some saltiness and sweetness. After my last bar I noticed the recipe is rather close to the energy bites that I make.
I’d consider making it a regular thing if the price went down some, although if you’re treating it as a meal, $3 a bar is comparable or cheaper than a fast food breakfast. A lot of people seem to agree as the Amazon reviews have it rated at 5 stars. I’d also like to know what in the world “AMRAP” means but I’ll let it slide for now.
Ingredient list: raw almond butter, unsweetened coconut, egg white protein powder, raw sesame seeds, raw almond chunks, raw honey, ground cinnamon, sea salt
Plus side: no jerky for all your vegetarian goofs (it has egg whites, sorry vegan goofs), raw food, nutrient dense
Minus side: no jerky, kinda pricey
Buy from: AMRAP, Amazon
That is a good ingredient list….a little on the pricey side.. Have you tried Lara Bars??
No I haven’t but they seem pretty good. I just saw that they have like a billion versions. Immuna have to try them now.