A few notes about this:
- This was actually pretty hard to organize, mostly because of working around prior commitments and the fact that the Legs and Back workout always gives me DOMS, so I don’t want to schedule the burpees (even though I did it here), the sprintervals, or one of the workouts where I have to hit the deck often (when your butt and thighs are sore the awkwardness level in standing up reaches peak capacity).
- The “10MT” stands for Ten Minute Trainer
- This seems like a lot of exercise but it’s not full force, like what bodybuilders or “get swole” bros undergo. I usually don’t do the full P90x workouts. I do maybe 30 minutes of them but I tend to move quickly through those 30 minutes so there’s more intensity. The most time I think I would spend doing any of these is 40 minutes. That ends up being time I would otherwise spend watching a TV show I don’t like or farting around on the Internet.
- The bike rides are to and fro my bus stop, so I kind of have to do them. It ends up being light to moderate cardio.
- I do a non-creatine post-workout shake (sometimes) and take a bunch of multivitamins.
- I don’t stretch before workouts, but if one workout ends up being pretty intense I may stretch afterwards. The only time I really stretch is when I get DOMS, because, in the immortal words of Tony! Toni! Toné!, it feels good.
I’ve done p90x and TMT workouts, but I prefer easier workouts. So why is it that I’m doing Insanity with Joel? I have no idea. I workout 5 days a week and have been doing so since I was about 16. I’m very dull with my schedule, never feeling the need to change it. I’ll even perform the same routine 5 days a week (but rarely do that these days since I’ve collected a monkey ton of exercise videos).
Doing the same routine isn’t bad as long as you’re doing something. But there’s the danger of plateauing…that’s more of a bodybuilding thing. Not sure if that would apply to you (or me, for that matter).
ha ha ha I don’t care about plateauing. I just exercise to keep myself sane (get out of my head for a little while).
Most people don’t care because it wouldn’t apply to them. I don’t think.
So uh…carry on, then.