There are some repeats, like Alan Moore but in a more candid setting. Other ones, like Moore, just have a wonderful visual character about them that transcribes nicely into photographs. Some writers are worth revisiting because their grandiosity is contrasted by performing such a debasing activity. I, myself, do not enjoy a grandiose reputation nor enjoy smoking, so the entire phenomenon is strictly third party.
There’s also a classic quality to them due to open (and posed) smoking being less socially stigmatized in older days, and the fact that writers were more glorified when books were the more widely-consumed media.
Alan Moore:
Aldous Huxley:
Charles Bukowski (I believe this is the “other” kind of cigarette):
Christopher Hitchens:
C.S. Lewis:
Diane Schoemperlen:
Karen Blixen:
Kurt Vonnegut:
Lesley McHenry:
Lynn Barber:
Simon Gray:
William Faulkner:
I know you wrote this a long time ago but I’m going to comment. Natalie Goldberg had a good suggestion of using a prop when you write. Something to get you out of your usual self. She said she often wrote with an unlit cigarette in her mouth. I might try that one day.
That sounds like a good idea to try out, but heavens to Betsies if having an unlit cigarette in my mouth would make me uncomfortable. I guess that’s the point?