One-Sentence Summary For New Book, Only Worshipful Praise Welcome

With my first book’s third draft only four chapters deep into in the can, zero agent prospects in sight, and no other connections to the literary industry at any level, I already mentioned that I have ideas and envisioned scenes for another book. Today I took this a foolhardy step further and formulated the dreaded but ever-important one-sentence summary, in my head, under the subsidized auspices of heavily-trafficked public transit.

I want to share it with you, but do so under very controlled circumstances. Those of you (numbering two or three, besides my wife) who might read this blog and are also interested and who don’t mind offering feedback should e-mail me at [email protected] and I will e-hand deliver it to your e-inbox for your e-reading e-pleasure. Those of you who do not fit the above criteria can mutter comments (heh) to yourself in intense whispers about how I want to avoid public criticism and why you had that dream of Bill Gates in a leopard-print speedo, smashing a roomful of Macbooks with a sledgehammer.